Directory of Modules

Module/Unit Calendar Type Credits
BIS101 Molecular Biology Autumn Semester 10
BIS102 Principles of Evolution Spring Semester 10
BIS105 Zoology Autumn Semester 20
BIS106 Plant Science Spring Semester 20
BIS107 Evolution Spring Semester 20
BIS108 Ecology and Conservation Spring Semester 20
BIS109 Climate Change and Sustainability Autumn Semester 20
BIS110 Skills in Biology Academic year 30
BIS111 Animal Behaviour Autumn Semester 10
BIS112 Ecological identification skills Academic year 10
BIS114 Skills in Biomedical Science Academic year 30
BIS115 Introduction to Physiology with Pharmacology Autumn Semester 20
BIS116 Introduction to Neuroscience Spring Semester 20
BIS117 Introductory Developmental, Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology Spring Semester 10
BIS118 Fundamental Maths for Bioscientists Autumn Semester 10
BIS119 Biochemistry 1 Autumn Semester 20
BIS120 Microbiology 1 Spring Semester 20
BIS121 Molecular and Cell Biology Autumn Semester 20
BIS122 Genetics 1 Spring Semester 10
BIS123 Skills in Molecular Bioscience Academic year 30
BIS201 Microbiology 2 Spring Semester 20
BIS202 Genetics 2 Spring Semester 20
BIS203 Population and Community Ecology Spring Semester 20
BIS204 Invertebrates Autumn Semester 20
BIS205 Genes, genomes and chromosomes Autumn Semester 20
BIS206 Biostructures, Energetics and Synthesis Autumn Semester 20
BIS207 Biochemistry 2 Spring Semester 20
BIS209 Skills in Biology II Academic year 30
BIS210 Behavioural Ecology Spring Semester 10
BIS213 Advanced Skills in Biomedical Science Academic year 30
BIS214 The Green Planet: Plants, food and global climate change Autumn Semester 20
BIS215 Pharmacology Autumn Semester 10
BIS216 Vertebrates Spring Semester 20
BIS217 Physiology of Cells and Systems Spring Semester 20
BIS218 Advanced Developmental Biology Spring Semester 20
BIS219 Conservation Principles and Realities Autumn Semester 20
BIS220 Philosophy and Ethics of Bioscience Spring Semester 10
BIS222 Ecosystems and Sustainability in a Changing World Spring Semester 20
BIS223 Evolutionary Biology Autumn Semester 20
BIS224 Skills in Molecular Biology II Academic year 30
BIS225 Advanced Molecular Cell Biology Autumn Semester 20
BIS226 Biological Field Skills Autumn Semester 10
BIS228 Data Analysis Academic year 10
BIS229 Year Abroad Academic year 120
BIS230 Palaeobiology Spring Semester 10
BIS231 Talking the Talk: Getting science on Film Spring Semester 10
BIS232 Introduction to Human Anatomy (Part A) Autumn Semester 10
BIS234 Introduction to Human Anatomy Academic year 20
BIS235 Biology of Stem Cells, Ageing and Cancer Spring Semester 10
BIS236 Neural circuits, behaviour and memory Spring Semester 10
BIS237 Developmental Neurobiology Autumn Semester 10
BIS301 Conservation Issues and Management Autumn Semester 10
BIS302 Literature Review Academic year 20
BIS303 Research Project Academic year 30
BIS304 Microbial Genomics and Diversity Autumn Semester 10
BIS305 Biological Laboratory Research Autumn Semester 20
BIS306 Human Planet Spring Semester 10
BIS307 Human Evolution: Theory and Practice in Research Spring Semester 20
BIS308 Issues in Environmental Science Spring Semester 10
BIS309 Evolution of Terrestrial Ecosystems Autumn Semester 10
BIS310 Evolutionary Ecology Autumn Semester 10
BIS311 Topics in Evolutionary Genetics Spring Semester 10
BIS313 Sustainable Agro-Ecosystems Autumn Semester 10
BIS315 Human Evolutionary Genetics Spring Semester 10
BIS316 Future Plants: From Laboratory to Field Spring Semester 10
BIS317 Biological Field Research Autumn Semester 20
BIS318 Cooperation and Conflict Spring Semester 10
BIS319 Topics in Modern Ecology Spring Semester 10
BIS320 Topics in Modern Zoology Spring Semester 10
BIS321 Data Analysis Autumn Semester 10
BIS322 Membrane Receptors Autumn Semester 10
BIS323 Molecular Physiology of Ion Channels and Human Disease Autumn Semester 10
BIS325 Group Research Initiatives Spring Semester 10
BIS326 Pharmacological Techniques Spring Semester 10
BIS327 Neuroscience Techniques Spring Semester 20
BIS329 Sensory Neuroscience Spring Semester 10
BIS330 Modelling Human Disease and Dysfunction Autumn Semester 10
BIS331 Epithelial Physiology in Health and Disease Autumn Semester 10
BIS332 Forensic Anatomy Spring Semester 20
BIS333 Principles of Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering Spring Semester 10
BIS334 Biomedical Technology and Drug Development Autumn Semester 10
BIS335 Membrane Dynamics in Health and Disease Autumn Semester 10
BIS336 Cancer Biology Spring Semester 10
BIS337 Neurodevelopment and Behaviour Autumn Semester 10
BIS338 Stem Cell Biology Autumn Semester 10
BIS339 Plant Biotechnology Spring Semester 10
BIS340 Protein Folding and Misfolding in Disease Spring Semester 10
BIS342 Genome Stability and Genetic Change Spring Semester 10
BIS344 The world of RNA Autumn Semester 10
BIS345 Clinical Genomics of Cancer and Rare Genetic Diseases Autumn Semester 10
BIS347 Bacterial Pathogenicity Spring Semester 10
BIS349 Human genomics, proteomics and genome biology Autumn Semester 10
BIS350 Human Reproduction and Fertility Spring Semester 10
BIS352 Biochemistry Data Handling Autumn Semester 10
BIS353 Genetics Data Handling Autumn Semester 10
BIS354 Microbiology Data Handling Autumn Semester 10
BIS356 Topics in Environmental Microbiology Spring Semester 10
BIS357 Membrane Protein Structure and Function Autumn Semester 10
BIS358 Molecular Immunology Autumn Semester 10
BIS359 The Kidney in Health and Disease Spring Semester 10
BIS401 Advanced Data Handling and Analysis Spring Semester 15
BIS402 Advanced Scientific Skills Academic year 15
BIS403 Laboratory Techniques in Molecular Bioscience Autumn Semester 15
BIS404 Laboratory Techniques in Molecular Biology Autumn Semester 15
BIS405 Literature Review and Research Proposal Autumn Semester 15
BIS406 Microbial Genomics and Diversity Autumn Semester 15
BIS407 Research Methods in Avian Biodiversity and Conservation Academic year 15
BIS408 Engaging with the Public Spring Semester 15
BIS409 Science Communication Project Graduate Year 60
BIS410 Communication Skills Academic year 15
BIS4100 Advanced Molecular diagnostics and cell culture techniques Spring Semester 15
BIS4101 Research Design for Bioarchaeology Academic year 15
BIS4102 Advanced Literature Review: Retrieval and Evaluation of Scientific Information Academic year 20
BIS4103 Extended Research Project Academic year 80
BIS4104 The Scientific Cycle Academic year 20
BIS4105 Biological Anthropology I Autumn Semester 15
BIS411 Global Conservation Issues Autumn Semester 15
BIS412 Field Biology Academic year 15
BIS413 Biodiversity in Space and Time Spring Semester 15
BIS416 Science Communication for Researchers Academic year 15
BIS421 Science Communication Skills Academic year 30
BIS422 Topical Science Autumn Semester 15
BIS424 Global Sustainability Spring Semester 15
BIS426 Literature Review Academic year 15
BIS426 Literature Review Autumn Semester 15
BIS427 Scientific Skills and Project Management Academic year 30
BIS428 Individual Research Project Graduate Year 60
BIS429 Biological Anthropology II Spring Semester 15
BIS430 Agricultural Ecology in a Changing World Autumn Semester 15
BIS437 The Biotech and Pharmaceutical Industry Autumn Semester 15
BIS438 Culture and Differentiation of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Spring Semester 15
BIS439 Small Molecule and Functional Genomic Screening Academic year 15
BIS440 Genomic Approaches to Drug Discovery Spring Semester 15
BIS445 Critical Analysis of Current Science Academic year 15
BIS447 Stem Cell Biology Autumn Semester 15
BIS448 Cancer Biology Spring Semester 15
BIS449 Membrane Receptors Autumn Semester 15
BIS453 Practical Cell Biology Academic year 15
BIS454 Practical Developmental Genetics Academic year 15
BIS456 Research Project Graduate Year 60
BIS460 Sensory Neuroscience Spring Semester 15
BIS461 Modelling Human Disease and Dysfunction Autumn Semester 15
BIS462 Principles of Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering Spring Semester 15
BIS474 Cellular Systems Engineering for Biotechnology Autumn Semester 15
BIS475 Plant Biotechnology Academic year 15
BIS476 Genome Stability and Genetic Change Academic year 15
BIS480 Human Genomics, Proteomics and Genome Biology Academic year 15
BIS482 Genetic Pathways from Zygote to Organism Academic year 15
BIS484 Research Project Graduate Year 60
BIS485 Advanced Research Topics Academic year 15
BIS486 Literature Review Graduate Year 15
BIS487 Advanced Zooarchaeology Spring Semester 15
BIS488 Archaeozoology Autumn Semester 15
BIS489 Dissertation (Journal Paper Style) Academic year 60
BIS490 Geoarchaeology Autumn Semester 15
BIS491 Evolutionary Anatomy Spring Semester 15
BIS492 GIS for Archaeologists Spring Semester 15
BIS493 Human Anatomy Autumn Semester 15
BIS494 Human Evolution: Theory and Practice in Research Spring Semester 15
BIS495 Human Osteology Autumn Semester 15
BIS496 Archaeobotany Autumn Semester 15
BIS497 Applied Bioarchaeological Science Spring Semester 15
BIS498 Literature Review Autumn Semester 15
BIS499 Literature Review in Molecular Genetics Academic year 15
BIS901 Study Abroad Academic year 0
BIS902 Industrial Experience Academic year 0
BIS903 Study Abroad Academic year 0

Teaching timetable


Western Bank, Sheffield, S10 2TN, UK