Directory of Modules

Module/Unit Calendar Type Credits
HPH101 Thinking Historically Spring Semester 20
HPH104 Philosophy of Religion Autumn Semester 10
HPH105 Philosophy of Sex Autumn Semester 10
HPH107 LGBTQ [Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer] Studies Autumn Semester 10
HPH108 Truth, Reality and Virtual Reality Spring Semester 10
HPH109 Death Spring Semester 10
HPH110 Ethics in Antiquity: East and West Spring Semester 10
HPH111 Empire: From the Ancient World to the Middle Ages Spring Semester 20
HPH112 The Making of the Twentieth Century Spring Semester 20
HPH113 The Long View: an introduction to archaeology Spring Semester 20
HPH114 Religion in Britain Autumn Semester 20
HPH115 Writing Philosophy Autumn Semester 20
HPH116 Reason and Argument Spring Semester 20
HPH117 Mind and World Spring Semester 20
HPH118 History Workshop Autumn Semester 20
HPH119 Paths from Antiquity to Modernity Autumn Semester 20
HPH120 The 'Disenchantment' of Early Modern Europe, c. 1570-1770 Autumn Semester 20
HPH121 The Transformation of the United Kingdom, 1800 - 2000 Spring Semester 20
HPH122 Ethics and Society Autumn Semester 20
HPH201 Culture in Early Modern Europe Spring Semester 20
HPH202 The History of American Foreign Relations Spring Semester 20
HPH203 The Making of Modern India, 1780-1965 Autumn Semester 20
HPH204 Trumpism: An American Biography Autumn Semester 20
HPH206 Gender, Race and Class in Nazi Germany 1933-1945 Autumn Semester 20
HPH207 A History of Eastern Africa since 1940 Spring Semester 20
HPH208 Byzantine Intersectionality: Gender, Race and Power in the Medieval Mediterranean, c.500-1300 Spring Semester 20
HPH209 Postcolonial France and Britain: Empire and its legacies since 1945 Spring Semester 20
HPH210 Understanding the Aztecs: Life and death in early sixteenth-century Mexico Spring Semester 20
HPH211 From Democracy to Dictatorship: the 1973 coup in Chile Autumn Semester 20
HPH212 The Archaeology of the Later Medieval Church in England Autumn Semester 20
HPH213 Crime and Punishment in Late Medieval Europe (1200-1500) Autumn Semester 20
HPH214 Ethics: Theoretical and Practical Autumn Semester 20
HPH215 Bioethics Spring Semester 20
HPH216 A Protestant Nation? Religion, Politics and Culture in England 1560-1640 Spring Semester 20
HPH217 Appeasement, the Munich Crisis and the British People Autumn Semester 20
HPH218 Decolonisation: The End of Empire & the Future of the World Spring Semester 20
HPH219 History and Historians Autumn Semester 20
HPH220 Holy Russia, Soviet Empire: Nation, Religion, and Identity in the 20th Century Autumn Semester 20
HPH221 Murder in the cathedral: the Becket Affair Autumn Semester 20
HPH222 Shell-Shock to Prozac: Mental Health in Britain Autumn Semester 20
HPH223 The Export of England: Seventeenth Century Trade and Empire Autumn Semester 20
HPH224 Life Worth Living Autumn Semester 20
HPH225 Tyranny and Consensus in the Medieval West, 1050-1250 Spring Semester 20
HPH226 Medieval Women Spring Semester 20
HPH227 The Heretic, the Witch and the Inquisitor: The Medieval Inquisition from the Cathars to Joan of Arc Spring Semester 20
HPH228 Feminism Spring Semester 20
HPH229 Formal Logic Autumn Semester 20
HPH230 Metaphysics Spring Semester 20
HPH231 Philosophy of Mind Spring Semester 20
HPH232 Philosophy of the Arts Autumn Semester 20
HPH233 History of Political Philosophy Autumn Semester 20
HPH234 Religion and the Good Life Autumn Semester 20
HPH236 Theory of Knowledge Autumn Semester 20
HPH238 Political Philosophy Today Spring Semester 20
HPH241 Gender and the Georgians: Sex and Society in Britain 1714-1837 Spring Semester 20
HPH242 The Putney Debates, October 1647 Autumn Semester 20
HPH243 History and the Public Spring Semester 20
HPH244 Looking East: British Perceptions of the Soviet Union from the Holodomor to the Early Cold War Spring Semester 20
HPH245 The Myth of Venice Autumn Semester 20
HPH246 The Welfare State in Britain, 1900-2015 Autumn Semester 20
HPH247 Welfare children: the state, the family, and society in modern Britain Spring Semester 20
HPH248 Philosophy of Education Spring Semester 20
HPH249 Environmental Justice Spring Semester 20
HPH250 Religion in an Age of Terror: Ancient Texts and the Making of Modern Israel. Autumn Semester 20
HPH251 The Battle for China's Future, 1839-1949 Autumn Semester 20
HPH252 The Northern Ireland 'Troubles' and Peace Process Autumn Semester 20
HPH253 Reference and Truth Autumn Semester 20
HPH254 Ethnography and Lived Religion Autumn Semester 20
HPH255 Philosophy of Science Spring Semester 20
HPH256 Research Project Spring Semester 20
HPH257 The Philosophy of AI and Robotics Spring Semester 20
HPH258 The Global Legacy of Scepticism Autumn Semester 20
HPH259 Theories of Value : Aesthetics and Ethics Spring Semester 20
HPH260 Empire at War: World War Two in Global Context Spring Semester 20
HPH261 A Very British Revolution?: The 1926 General Strike Autumn Semester 20
HPH262 Ordinary People in Extraordinary Times: Central Europe, 1848-1989 Autumn Semester 20
HPH263 The Body Before Modernity Spring Semester 20
HPH264 Egypt's Golden Empire Autumn Semester 20
HPH301 Dissertation Academic year 40
HPH302 The United States and the Cold War, 1945-1975 Academic year 40
HPH303 Permissive Britain? Social and Cultural Change 1956-74 Academic year 40
HPH304 Humanitarianism, Internationalism and the British Empire, 1900-2000 Academic year 40
HPH305 Fascism and Anti-Fascism in Britain, 1923-1945 Academic year 40
HPH306 Visions and Violence: race, empire and identity in mid-nineteenth-century Britain Academic year 40
HPH307 The World of Intoxicants in Early Modern England Academic year 40
HPH308 Cannibals and Christians: Mexico and Spain, c.1492-1600 Academic year 40
HPH309 Popes, Caliphs, Emperors, ca. 1130-1215 Academic year 40
HPH310 Tools of Empire? Medicine, Science and Colonialism, 1800-1950 Academic year 40
HPH311 Anarchy in the UK? Radicals, Democrats and Revolutionaries 1830-1886 Academic year 40
HPH312 The Weimar Republic - Laboratory of Modernity Academic year 40
HPH313 The Wars for Vietnam: Empire, Decolonisation and Liberation Academic year 40
HPH314 The West & the East in each other's eyes 1850-2000 Academic year 40
HPH315 Resistance & Liberation in South Africa: Gandhi to Mandela Academic year 40
HPH316 Stalinism and De-Stalinisation, 1929-1962 Academic year 40
HPH317 Nomadland: The Peoples of the Steppe, 600-1000 Academic year 40
HPH318 France in Africa, Africa in France: experiencing colonialism, anticolonialism, and postcolonialism Academic year 40
HPH319 Mao and the Making of Twentieth-Century China Academic year 40
HPH320 Reconstructing America, 1863-1877 Academic year 40
HPH321 Makers of a New World: Merchants, Scholars and Commoners in Late Medieval Europe Academic year 40
HPH322 Merchants, Mariners and Migrants: The English Overseas, 1570-1624 Academic year 40
HPH323 Red Continent: Socialism in Twentieth Century Africa Academic year 40
HPH324 The Rise and Fall of the British Transatlantic Slave Trade, 1640-1807 Academic year 40
HPH325 The Irish Revolution, 1912-1923 Academic year 40
HPH326 Revolution, Dictatorship and Democracy in Latin America, 1944-90 Academic year 40
HPH327 The National Security State, Treason, and Individual Rights during the Twentieth Century Academic year 40
HPH328 Capitalism in Crisis: a Global History of the Great Depression Academic year 40
HPH329 Italy in the Age of Dante, ca. 1200-1350 Academic year 40
HPH331 Work Place Learning Autumn Semester 20
HPH333 A Comparative History of Revolution Autumn Semester 20
HPH334 Short Dissertation Spring Semester 20
HPH335 The Uses of History Spring Semester 20
HPH336 Making History Public Spring Semester 20
HPH340 Free Will & Religion Spring Semester 20
HPH341 Feminist and Queer Studies in Religion, Global Perspectives Spring Semester 20
HPH342 Bodies and Souls Spring Semester 20
HPH343 Pain, Pleasure, and Emotions Autumn Semester 20
HPH344 Phenomenology Spring Semester 20
HPH346 Dissertation Project 1 Autumn Semester 20
HPH347 Dissertation Project 2 Spring Semester 20
HPH349 Plato's Symposium Spring Semester 20
HPH350 Ethics and Belief Autumn Semester 20
HPH351 Ancient Chinese Philosophy Autumn Semester 20
HPH355 Decolonising History: Empires, Colonialism and Power Autumn Semester 20
HPH356 The Family Autumn Semester 20
HPH357 Global Justice Autumn Semester 20
HPH358 Moral Theory and Moral Psychology Spring Semester 20
HPH359 Food and Drink in South Asia Academic year 40
HPH360 Britain's Social Revolution: Welfare, State and Society, c. 1870-1924 Academic year 40
HPH361 Capitalism and Identity in 19th-century Britain Academic year 40
HPH362 Slavery in the American South, 1789-1861 Academic year 40
HPH363 Empire of Faith: The Making of Global Catholicism, 1500-1700 Academic year 40
HPH364 Emotions and identity in Britain: from 'stiff upper lips' to 'snowflakes' Academic year 40
HPH365 Humour and Laughter in Eighteenth-Century Britain Academic year 40
HPH366 Memory and the Self Autumn Semester 20
HPH367 Language, Speakers and the World Spring Semester 20
HPH368 People, Organisations and Technology Autumn Semester 20
HPH369 Political Resistance Spring Semester 20
HPH370 Looking East: Britons and the Soviet Union in the Stalin Era Academic year 40
HPH371 The World Transformed? The League of Nations and the End of Empire, 1919-46 Academic year 40
HPH402 Dissertation in History Graduate Year 60
HPH404 Race and Racism in Historical Perspective Spring Semester 30
HPH406 Dissertation (Archaeology and Heritage) Academic year 60
HPH407 Dissertation (Cultural Heritage Management) Academic year 45
HPH408 Work Placement (Archaeology and Heritage) Academic year 60
HPH409 Feminist Methods in Historical Practice Spring Semester 30
HPH410 Introduction to Digital Culture Autumn Semester 30
HPH411 E-Portfolio Academic year 60
HPH412 Dissertation Graduate Year 60
HPH416 Guided Reading Autumn Semester 30
HPH416 Guided Reading Spring Semester 30
HPH417 Digital History Spring Semester 15
HPH419 PhD Proposal Graduate Year 30
HPH425 Presenting the Past: Making History Public Autumn Semester 15
HPH428 Digital Cultural Heritage: Theory and Practice Spring Semester 15
HPH429 Heritage, History and Identity Autumn Semester 15
HPH430 Heritage, Place and Community Spring Semester 15
HPH431 Reinventing Archaeology Autumn Semester 15
HPH432 Digital Mapping for the Humanities Autumn Semester 15
HPH436 Digital Methods in Practice Spring Semester 15
HPH440 Research Presentation for Historians Spring Semester 15
HPH441 Research Skills for Historians Autumn Semester 15
HPH445 Work Placement in History Spring Semester 15
HPH446 Wikipedia and History Autumn Semester 15
HPH447 Landscapes in archaeology: methods and perspectives Autumn Semester 15
HPH449 Research Design: Planning, Execution and Presentation Spring Semester 15
HPH450 Egypt in the Age of the Empire. Autumn Semester 15
HPH451 Language Analysis, Culturomics, and Corpus Linguistics Spring Semester 15
HPH452 Guided Reading Autumn Semester 15
HPH452 Guided Reading Spring Semester 15
HPH456 The Archaeology of Death and Burial Spring Semester 15
HPH459 Designing Cultural Data Products Spring Semester 15
HPH463 The Global Cold War Autumn Semester 30
HPH464 Landscape Survey Project Spring Semester 30
HPH465 A History of Emotions, from the Medieval Age to the Modern Spring Semester 30
HPH466 Introduction to Cultural Data Autumn Semester 30
HPH467 Managing Digital Projects Spring Semester 30
HPH469 Cognitive Studies Seminar Autumn Semester 30
HPH470 Approaches to Political History Autumn Semester 15
HPH472 How to research and write Indigenous histories Spring Semester 15
HPH477 Plato's Symposium Spring Semester 30
HPH478 Political Philosophy Research Seminar Autumn Semester 30
HPH479 Community and Power: urban life, ca. 300-1800 Autumn Semester 30
HPH485 Power and Protest in Twentieth-Century Europe Autumn Semester 30
HPH486 Making a Living: Approaches to Work c. 1500-1900 Spring Semester 15
HPH487 Researching History Autumn Semester 15
HPH488 Politics and Value Academic year 30
HPH489 Epistemology and Metaphysics Academic year 30
HPH490 Ethics and Society Academic year 30
HPH491 History of Philosophy Academic year 30
HPH492 Mind and Language Academic year 30

Teaching timetable


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