Directory of Modules

Module/Unit Calendar Type Credits
MAS003 Core Foundation Mathematics Academic year 40
MAS004 Further Foundation Mathematics Academic year 10
MAS005 Foundation Core and Enhanced Mathematics Academic year 40
MAS106 Mathematics Core Academic year 40
MAS107 Foundations of Pure Mathematics Academic year 20
MAS108 Mathematical modelling Academic year 20
MAS109 Probability and Data Science Academic year 20
MAS116 Mathematical Investigation Skills Academic year 20
MAS117 Computing and Analysis Academic year 20
MAS140 Mathematics (Chemical) Academic year 20
MAS152 Essential Mathematical Skills & Techniques Academic year 20
MAS153 Mathematics (Materials) Academic year 20
MAS156 Mathematics (Electrical and Aerospace) Academic year 20
MAS161 General Engineering Mathematics Academic year 15
MAS2002 Differential equations Academic year 20
MAS2003 Stochastic Modelling Spring Semester 10
MAS2004 Analysis and Algebra Academic year 20
MAS2005 Vector Calculus and Dynamics Spring Semester 10
MAS2006 Group Theory Spring Semester 10
MAS2007 Mathematics and Statistics in Action Spring Semester 10
MAS2008 Scientific Computing Spring Semester 10
MAS2009 Analysis Spring Semester 10
MAS2010 Statistical Inference and Modelling Academic year 20
MAS254 Computational and Numerical Methods Spring Semester 10
MAS261 Further General Engineering Mathematics Academic year 15
MAS302 Undergraduate Ambassadors Scheme in Mathematics Academic year 20
MAS31001 Generalised Linear models Spring Semester 10
MAS31004 Skills Development in Mathematics and Statistics Academic year 20
MAS31005 Probability and Random Graphs Spring Semester 10
MAS316 Mathematical modelling of natural systems Spring Semester 10
MAS322 Operations Research Spring Semester 10
MAS324 Quantum Theory Spring Semester 10
MAS325 Mathematical Methods Spring Semester 10
MAS340 Mathematics (Computational Methods) Spring Semester 10
MAS341 Graph Theory Spring Semester 10
MAS344 Knots and Surfaces Spring Semester 10
MAS345 Codes and Cryptography Spring Semester 10
MAS352 Stochastic Processes and Finance Academic year 20
MAS370 Sampling Theory and Design of Experiments Spring Semester 10
MAS372 Time Series Spring Semester 10
MAS390 Study Abroad Academic year 120
MAS391 Study Abroad Academic year 110
MAS392 Study Abroad Academic year 100
MAS415 Topics in Mathematical Physics Spring Semester 15
MAS5050 Mathematical Methods for Statistics Academic year 20
MAS5051 Probability and Probability Distributions Academic year 20
MAS5052 Basic Statistics Academic year 20
MAS6032 Special Topics 2 Spring Semester 10
MAS6041 Dissertation Graduate Year 60
MAS61001 Generalised Linear Models Spring Semester 15
MAS61002 Medical Statistics Academic year 15
MAS61003 Sampling Theory and Design of Experiments Spring Semester 15
MAS61004 The Statistician's Toolkit Academic year 30
MAS61005 Time Series Spring Semester 15
MAS61006 Bayesian Statistics and Computational Methods Academic year 30
MAS61008 Directed Reading in Mathematics Academic year 15
MAS61009 Research Skills in Mathematics Academic year 15
MAS61010 Special Topics Spring Semester 15
MAS61011 Advanced Topics in Algebra A Academic year 30
MAS61012 Advanced Topics in Algebra B Academic year 30
MAS61013 Advanced Topics in Waves and Fluid Dynamics A Academic year 30
MAS61014 Advanced Topics in Waves and Fluid Dynamics B Academic year 30
MAS61015 Algebraic Topology Academic year 30
MAS61016 Analytical Dynamics and Classical Field Theory Academic year 30
MAS61017 Financial Mathematics Academic year 15
MAS61019 Mathematical Modelling of Natural Systems Spring Semester 15
MAS61020 Further Topics in Number Theory Spring Semester 15
MAS61021 Probability and Random Graphs Spring Semester 15
MAS61023 Stochastic Processes and Finance Academic year 30
MAS61025 Mathematics and Statistics Project Academic year 45
MAS6600 Dissertation Graduate Year 60
MAS901 Study Abroad Academic year 0
MAS902 Placement Year for Mathematics Degrees Academic year 0

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