Directory of Modules

Module/Unit Calendar Type Credits
SPR101 Classical Sociological Theory Spring Semester 10
SPR105 Gender, Sexuality and Society Spring Semester 10
SPR108 The Sociology of Everyday Life Autumn Semester 10
SPR110 Welfare Politics and the State Spring Semester 10
SPR111 Introduction to Media and Communication in Society Spring Semester 10
SPR112 Introduction to Comparative Politics Spring Semester 20
SPR113 Gender Politics Spring Semester 20
SPR114 British Politics Spring Semester 20
SPR115 Introduction to Global Political Economy Spring Semester 20
SPR116 Planet Politics Autumn Semester 20
SPR117 The World's Wicked Problems Autumn Semester 20
SPR118 Understanding Inequality Autumn Semester 10
SPR120 Introducing Criminology Autumn Semester 10
SPR121 Political Analysis 1: An Introduction to Research and Scholarship Autumn Semester 20
SPR122 Thinking Politically: Key Concepts Autumn Semester 20
SPR123 Introduction to Western Political Thought Spring Semester 20
SPR125 Doing Social Research Autumn Semester 20
SPR126 Theories of Society Spring Semester 20
SPR127 Social divisions and inequalities: causes, patterns and change Autumn Semester 20
SPR128 Understanding and challenging inequality: Sociological and policy debate Spring Semester 20
SPR129 Understanding Approaches to Social Research Autumn Semester 10
SPR130 Introduction to Social Theory Autumn Semester 20
SPR131 Sociology of hope, community and social justice Spring Semester 20
SPR201 Contemporary Security Challenges Spring Semester 20
SPR202 Political Analysis 2: How to do empirical research Autumn Semester 20
SPR203 The Political Economy of Global Capitalism Spring Semester 20
SPR204 Africa in the World Spring Semester 20
SPR205 Tackling the World's Wicked Problems: theoretical tools and applications Autumn Semester 20
SPR206 The Making of The Modern Middle East Spring Semester 20
SPR209 The Sociology of Crime Autumn Semester 20
SPR210 Men, Feminism and Gender relations Spring Semester 20
SPR211 Sociology of Media and Consumer Culture Autumn Semester 20
SPR212 Solidarity: Politics, Law, and Society across the Globe Spring Semester 20
SPR213 Sociology of the Body Spring Semester 20
SPR214 In Sickness and in Health: The Sociology of Medicine Spring Semester 20
SPR215 Migration and World Politics Autumn Semester 20
SPR216 Political Theory in Practice Autumn Semester 20
SPR217 Europe in Crisis Autumn Semester 20
SPR218 Oppression and Resistance Spring Semester 20
SPR219 The Left: Past, Present and Future Spring Semester 20
SPR222 Crime, Justice and Social Policy Spring Semester 20
SPR224 Dynamics of Social Change and Policy Autumn Semester 20
SPR225 Understanding 'Race' and Migration Spring Semester 20
SPR226 Social Problems: Policy and Practice Spring Semester 20
SPR227 Social Research Design and Methods Spring Semester 20
SPR229 Sociology of Family: Continuity and Change Autumn Semester 20
SPR301 Political Analysis 3: Independent Research Through a Dissertation Academic year 40
SPR306 Parliamentary Studies Autumn Semester 20
SPR307 Party Politics: Competition, Strategies and Campaigns Autumn Semester 20
SPR308 Peacekeeping, State-building and International Intervention Autumn Semester 20
SPR309 Practical Politics: How to Make Policy and Influence People Spring Semester 20
SPR310 Terrorism, Violence and the State Spring Semester 20
SPR311 Political Psychology: The Personal Side of Politics Spring Semester 20
SPR312 Gender Politics in the Arab World Autumn Semester 20
SPR314 Global Politics of Forced Migration Autumn Semester 20
SPR315 Conflict, Violence and Security in Africa Autumn Semester 20
SPR317 Intimacy and Personal Relationships Spring Semester 20
SPR318 The Value of Sociology Spring Semester 20
SPR319 Queer Identities in the Media Spring Semester 20
SPR320 Children, Families and Welfare States Autumn Semester 20
SPR321 Algorithms, AI and Society Spring Semester 20
SPR322 Digital Marketing and Consumer Culture Autumn Semester 20
SPR323 Sex Work: Rights, Regulation and Resistance Spring Semester 20
SPR324 Global Data Industries Autumn Semester 20
SPR325 Public Policy and Democratic Politics Autumn Semester 20
SPR326 Animals, Ethics and Politics Spring Semester 20
SPR327 Brexit and Beyond Spring Semester 20
SPR329 Legitimate and Illegitimate Violence Autumn Semester 20
SPR330 Narcopolitics Autumn Semester 20
SPR331 The Ethics of Political Leadership Autumn Semester 20
SPR332 Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict Spring Semester 20
SPR333 Britain in a New Age of Crisis Spring Semester 20
SPR334 Party, State and Society in China Autumn Semester 20
SPR335 Global Culture Wars Autumn Semester 20
SPR336 Understanding Elections Autumn Semester 20
SPR338 Digital Health Spring Semester 20
SPR340 Organised Crime and Illicit Markets Autumn Semester 20
SPR341 Perspectives on inequalities Spring Semester 20
SPR342 Research Project 1 Spring Semester 20
SPR343 Research Project 2 Spring Semester 20
SPR344 War, Peace and Justice Spring Semester 20
SPR345 Corporations in Global Politics: Possibilities, Tensions, and Ambiguities Spring Semester 20
SPR346 Cosmopolitanism Autumn Semester 20
SPR347 Digital Identities Autumn Semester 20
SPR348 Protest, Movements and Social Change Autumn Semester 20
SPR349 Sociology of Evil Autumn Semester 20
SPR350 Sociology of Health, Illness and Medicine Spring Semester 20
SPR351 What it means to be human Spring Semester 20
SPR354 Reimagining Care: Families, Services and Policies Autumn Semester 20
SPR355 Pandemics and Panics: Health, Security and Global Politics Autumn Semester 20
SPR401 Academic Skills and Literacy Graduate Year 0
SPR402 Practice Placement One Academic year 0
SPR403 Practice Placement Two Academic year 0
SPR404 Readiness for Practice Placement One Autumn Semester 0
SPR405 Analysing the Policy Process Autumn Semester 30
SPR406 Approaches to Political Economy Autumn Semester 30
SPR407 Contemporary Global Security Autumn Semester 30
SPR408 Democratic Governance in the 21st Century: Problems, Innovations and Solutions Spring Semester 30
SPR409 Global Health and Global Politics Spring Semester 30
SPR410 Policy-Making in the Real World Autumn Semester 30
SPR411 Political Economy of Global Environmental change Spring Semester 30
SPR412 Politics Dissertation Graduate Year 60
SPR414 MA in Sociology Dissertation Graduate Year 60
SPR415 Dissertation in Digital Media and Society Academic year 60
SPR416 Dissertation Graduate Year 60
SPR417 Dissertation - Professional Practice with Children and Families Academic year 60
SPR418 Digital Practices Spring Semester 15
SPR419 Research and Dissertation Preparation Spring Semester 15
SPR420 Understanding Politics Autumn Semester 15
SPR421 Perspectives on Digital Society Autumn Semester 15
SPR422 Digital Media in a Datafied Society Spring Semester 15
SPR423 Visual Methods for Social Scientists Autumn Semester 15
SPR424 Researching Society Autumn Semester 15
SPR425 Mobile Media and Digital Futures Spring Semester 15
SPR427 Sociology of Genders, Sexualities and the Bodies Spring Semester 15
SPR428 Human Growth and development through the Life Course for Social Workers Academic year 15
SPR429 Skills for Social Work Practice Academic year 15
SPR430 Social Work Practice - Contexts, Values and Skills Academic year 15
SPR431 Social Work Professional Development Academic year 15
SPR432 Digital Health Spring Semester 15
SPR433 The Digital Self Autumn Semester 15
SPR434 Digital Methods Autumn Semester 15
SPR437 Assessed and Supported Year in Employment Academic year 15
SPR438 Assessed and Supported Year in Employment (Lincs) Academic year 15
SPR439 Child Development and Communicating With Children Spring Semester 15
SPR440 Interventions to Promote Change Spring Semester 15
SPR441 Practice Learning Educator: Stage One Academic year 15
SPR442 Practice Learning Educator: Stage Two Academic year 15
SPR443 Research in Professional Practice Spring Semester 15
SPR444 Kinship and Statutory Care for Children Graduate Year 15
SPR445 Parenting Capacity Spring Semester 15
SPR446 Innovations in Qualitative Research Autumn Semester 15
SPR447 How the World Gets Made Spring Semester 15
SPR448 Capitalism and Crisis Spring Semester 30
SPR449 Development and the State Autumn Semester 30
SPR450 Freedom Spring Semester 30
SPR451 Terrorism and Political Violence Spring Semester 30
SPR452 The Governance and Politics of the European Union Spring Semester 30
SPR453 Debating International Relations Autumn Semester 30
SPR454 Current Sociology Academic year 30
SPR455 Concepts and Ideas in Sociological Theory Academic year 30
SPR457 Developing Professional Practice and Safeguarding Autumn Semester 30
SPR458 Introduction to Leadership and Practice Supervision Academic year 30
SPR459 Law and Social Policy for Social Work Autumn Semester 30
SPR461 Safeguarding in Social Work Practice Academic year 30
SPR462 The Social Worker in the Court Room Academic year 30
SPR601 Doctoral Training in Sociological Studies, Politics and International Relation Graduate Year 0

Teaching timetable


Western Bank, Sheffield, S10 2TN, UK