Aims/Description: This is an individual proposal and final project/dissertation taken towards the end of the programme and allows the learner to demonstrate the ability to research a management issue within an academic framework and within the context of a specific organisation or industry. It utilises knowledge and skills acquired in the earlier part of the programme and is executed under the general guidance of an academic supervisor. The module will also equip learners with the frameworks and approaches needed while researching in the field of management.

Staff Contact: PATMORE BETH
Teaching Methods: Lectures (1 x 7-hour day): there will be a one-day introduction to the module in order to set the module in context and introduce business research methods (LO1, LO2, LO3, LO6). Lectures (3 x 7-hour day): Teaching will be delivered in highly participative, interactive learning lectures (21 hours) and will involve a mix of problem-centred approaches including case studies, the analysis of academic articles and reflection on the learners' own work experience (LO1-LO6). There will be 1 x 7 hour day where learners will be expected to present their proposal and formative feedback will be provided to the learners by both the tutor (LO6). Tutorials (6 hours): Up to six hours of advice will be available during the research and writing up as part of the management project. These may be through email, telephone or Skype contact and the learner has responsibility for arranging these meetings. The supervisor will comment on one draft of the final management report (LO1-LO5). Workshops (6 x 7-hour days): dedicated writing space for all learners, facilitated by a tutor, to assist learners in the development of their final project / dissertation (LO1-LO5). Independent study hours (417 hours) for the learner to undertake wider reading, research and for writing up the project. Blackboard will be used to provide pre and post reading for the sessions (LO1-LO5). ...
Assessment: Presentation, Project/ portfolio

Information on the department responsible for this unit (Management School):

Departmental Home Page
Teaching timetable


The content of our courses is reviewed annually to make sure it's up-to-date and relevant. Individual modules are occasionally updated or withdrawn. This is in response to discoveries through our world-leading research; funding changes; professional accreditation requirements; student or employer feedback; outcomes of reviews; and variations in staff or student numbers. In the event of any change we'll consult and inform students in good time and take reasonable steps to minimise disruption.

URLs used in these pages are subject to year-on-year change. For this reason we recommend that you do not bookmark these pages or set them as favourites.

Teaching methods and assessment displayed on this page are indicative for 2023-24.

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