This timetable is linked directly to the University on-line room bookings system. For technical reasons some events may not currently be displayed, for example events taking place in departmentally owned rooms.

Semester 1 = Weeks 1-12
Semester 2 = Weeks 20-27, 31-34

Please note these are the 'standard University weeks' for most undergraduate teaching. Please check with your Department if your Programme has an alternative start date.

Please follow the link from the week numbers to see the dates for each week of the academic year.

  • Additionally, many tutorials, seminars and practicals offer a choice of sessions. Please contact the department to confirm these options.

Unit Code Unit Title Group Activity Day Start Time End Time University Weeks Room No (Where Known) Room Name (Where Known) Location (Where Known) Lecturer/Staff Contact
EGH102 Exploring Literary Language LECT Friday 17:00 17:52 24 DIA-C12 Lecture Theatre 08 (cap. 82) Diamond Gavins,Joanna
EGH102 Exploring Literary Language LECT Thursday 16:00 16:52 23, 25-30, 34-36 DIA-D08 Lecture Theatre 09 (cap. 82) Diamond Gavins,Joanna
EGH102 Exploring Literary Language LECT Tuesday 16:00 16:52 23 BROAD-F133 Lecture Theatre 10 (cap. 68) Broad Lane Block Gavins,Joanna
EGH102 Exploring Literary Language LECT Tuesday 16:00 16:52 26 BROAD-F133 Lecture Theatre 10 (cap. 68) Broad Lane Block Regis,Amber
EGH102 Exploring Literary Language 1 SEM Monday 14:00 14:52 23-30, 34, 36 RC-2040_B Pemberton Lecture Theatre B (cap. 36) Regent Court Whiteley,Sara
EGH102 Exploring Literary Language 2 SEM Monday 15:00 15:52 23-30, 34, 36 RC-2040_B Pemberton Lecture Theatre B (cap. 36) Regent Court Whiteley,Sara
EGH103 Hybrid Forms? Comedy and Tragedy 1 SEM Thursday 10:00 10:52 23-30, 34-37 9MS-G13 Seminar Room G13 (cap. 21) 9 Mappin Street Nevitt,Marcus
EGH103 Hybrid Forms? Comedy and Tragedy 2 SEM Thursday 12:00 12:52 23-30, 34-37 9MS-G13 Seminar Room G13 (cap. 21) 9 Mappin Street Nevitt,Marcus
EGH103 Hybrid Forms? Comedy and Tragedy 3 SEM Friday 11:00 11:52 23-30, 34-37 HI-F35 Classroom F35 (cap. 20) Hicks Building Reynolds,Anna
EGH103 Hybrid Forms? Comedy and Tragedy 4 SEM Friday 12:00 12:52 23-30, 34-37 HI-F35 Classroom F35 (cap. 20) Hicks Building Reynolds,Anna
EGH103 Hybrid Forms? Comedy and Tragedy LECT Monday 10:00 10:52 23-30, 34, 36-37 BROAD-E119 Lecture Theatre 02 (cap. 108) Broad Lane Block Reynolds,Anna
EGH103 Hybrid Forms? Comedy and Tragedy LECT Wednesday 10:00 10:52 23-30, 34-37 SB-120 Lecture Theatre 02 (cap. 106) Sir Henry Stephenson Building Reynolds,Anna
EGH107 History of English 3 SEM Tuesday 15:00 15:52 23-30, 34-37 9MS-G12 Seminar Room G12 (cap. 24) 9 Mappin Street Wallis,Christine
EGH107 History of English LECT Monday 11:00 11:52 23-30, 34, 36-37 BROAD-E115 Lecture Theatre 05 (cap. 82) Broad Lane Block Williams,Graham
EGH107 History of English LECT Thursday 10:00 10:52 23-30, 34-37 BROAD-E115 Lecture Theatre 05 (cap. 82) Broad Lane Block Williams,Graham
EGH107 History of English 1 SEM Tuesday 13:00 13:52 23-30, 34-37 9MS-G12 Seminar Room G12 (cap. 24) 9 Mappin Street Williams,Graham
EGH107 History of English 2 SEM Tuesday 14:00 14:52 23-30, 34-37 9MS-G12 Seminar Room G12 (cap. 24) 9 Mappin Street Williams,Graham
EGH109 Linguistic Theory 1 SEM Wednesday 09:00 09:52 23-30, 34-36 38MS-G02 G02 - Classroom 02 (cap. 20) 38 Mappin Street Dziura,Nathaniel
EGH109 Linguistic Theory 2 SEM Wednesday 10:00 10:52 23-30, 34-36 38MS-101 101 - Classroom 07 (cap. 20) 38 Mappin Street Dziura,Nathaniel
EGH109 Linguistic Theory 3 SEM Wednesday 11:00 11:52 23-30, 34-36 38MS-105 105 - Classroom 09 (cap. 20) 38 Mappin Street Dziura,Nathaniel
EGH109 Linguistic Theory LECT Monday 13:00 13:52 23-30, 34, 36 HB-E07 James White Lecture Theatre 21 (cap. 72) Hadfield Building Sen,Ranjan
EGH109 Linguistic Theory LECT Thursday 11:00 11:52 23-30, 34-36 BROAD-F120 Lecture Theatre 07 (cap. 126) Broad Lane Block Sen,Ranjan
EGH109 Linguistic Theory LECT Tuesday 10:00 10:52 35 HI-H10 Lecture Theatre 10 (cap. 50) Hicks Building Sen,Ranjan
EGH110 Introduction to Creative Writing 3 SEM Friday 13:00 14:30 23-30, 34-37 JW-330 Seminar Room 03 (cap. 15) Jessop West Moore,Alison
EGH110 Introduction to Creative Writing 2 SEM Thursday 16:00 17:30 23-30, 34-37 38MS-206 206 - Classroom 12 (cap. 20) 38 Mappin Street Moore,Alison
EGH110 Introduction to Creative Writing 4 SEM Friday 15:00 16:30 23-30, 34-37 JW-330 Seminar Room 03 (cap. 15) Jessop West Self,Ella
EGH110 Introduction to Creative Writing 1 SEM Thursday 15:00 16:30 23-30, 34-37 JW-330 Seminar Room 03 (cap. 15) Jessop West Self,Ella
EGH117 Renaissance to Revolution 7_Spr SEM Friday 14:00 14:52 23-30, 34-37 JW-202 Seminar Room 02 (cap. 15) Jessop West Mathison,Hamish
EGH117 Renaissance to Revolution 3_Spr SEM Tuesday 13:00 13:52 23-30 PC-B59b Seminar Room B59b (cap. 30) Portobello Centre Mathison,Hamish
EGH117 Renaissance to Revolution 3_Spr SEM Tuesday 13:00 13:52 34-37 9MS-123 Seminar Room 123 (cap. 18) 9 Mappin Street Mathison,Hamish
EGH117 Renaissance to Revolution 4_Spr SEM Tuesday 14:00 14:52 23-30 JB-G04 Ensemble Room 02 (cap. 16) Jessop Building Mathison,Hamish
EGH117 Renaissance to Revolution 4_Spr SEM Tuesday 14:00 14:52 34-37 9MS-124 Seminar Room 124 (cap. 21) 9 Mappin Street Mathison,Hamish
EGH117 Renaissance to Revolution 5_Spr SEM Friday 10:00 10:52 23-30, 34-37 JW-330 Seminar Room 03 (cap. 15) Jessop West Nevitt,Marcus
EGH117 Renaissance to Revolution 6_Spr SEM Friday 12:00 12:52 23-30, 34-37 JW-330 Seminar Room 03 (cap. 15) Jessop West Nevitt,Marcus
EGH117 Renaissance to Revolution 8_Spr SEM Friday 15:00 15:52 23-30, 34-37 JW-202 Seminar Room 02 (cap. 15) Jessop West Nevitt,Marcus
EGH117 Renaissance to Revolution LECT Monday 12:00 12:52 23-30, 34, 36-37 DIA-A11 Lecture Theatre 07 (cap. 160) Diamond Rhatigan,Emma
EGH117 Renaissance to Revolution 1_Spr SEM Tuesday 10:00 10:52 23-30, 34-37 JW-202 Seminar Room 02 (cap. 15) Jessop West Rhatigan,Emma
EGH117 Renaissance to Revolution 2_Spr SEM Tuesday 11:00 11:52 23-30 JB-G03 Ensemble Room 01 (cap. 20) Jessop Building Rhatigan,Emma
EGH117 Renaissance to Revolution 2_Spr SEM Tuesday 11:00 11:52 34-36 9MS-123 Seminar Room 123 (cap. 18) 9 Mappin Street Rhatigan,Emma
EGH117 Renaissance to Revolution 2_Spr SEM Tuesday 11:00 11:52 37 9MS-122 Seminar Room 122 (cap. 24) 9 Mappin Street Rhatigan,Emma
EGH117 Renaissance to Revolution LECT Wednesday 12:00 12:52 23-30, 34-37 DIA-A10 Lecture Theatre 06 (cap. 160) Diamond Rhatigan,Emma
EGH119 Introduction to Cinema LECT Monday 16:00 16:52 23-30, 34, 36-37 BROAD-F142 Lecture Theatre 12 (cap. 60) Broad Lane Block Crowther,Sarah
EGH119 Introduction to Cinema 1 SEM Tuesday 12:00 12:52 23-30, 34-37 JB-215 Seminar Room 215 (cap. 32) Jessop Building Crowther,Sarah
EGH119 Introduction to Cinema 2 SEM Friday 10:00 10:52 23-30, 34-37 JW-202 Seminar Room 02 (cap. 15) Jessop West Hirst,Sam
EGH119 Introduction to Cinema 3 SEM Friday 11:00 11:52 23-30, 34-37 JW-202 Seminar Room 02 (cap. 15) Jessop West Hirst,Sam
EGH204 Hollywood Cinema 1 SEM Thursday 14:00 14:52 23-30, 34-37 JW-330 Seminar Room 03 (cap. 15) Jessop West Rayner,Jonathan
EGH204 Hollywood Cinema 2 SEM Thursday 15:00 15:52 23-30, 34-37 9MS-G13 Seminar Room G13 (cap. 21) 9 Mappin Street Rayner,Jonathan
EGH204 Hollywood Cinema LECT Tuesday 11:00 11:52 23-30, 34-37 BROAD-F128 Lecture Theatre 09 (cap. 36) Broad Lane Block Rayner,Jonathan
EGH207 Writing the Real 1 SEM Monday 13:00 13:52 23-30, 34, 36-37 RC-2040_B Pemberton Lecture Theatre B (cap. 36) Regent Court Bray,Joe
EGH207 Writing the Real 2 SEM Monday 14:00 14:52 23-30, 34, 36-37 JW-339 Seminar Room 08 (cap. 24) Jessop West Bray,Joe
EGH207 Writing the Real LECT Tuesday 14:00 14:52 23-30, 34-37 RC-2040_B Pemberton Lecture Theatre B (cap. 36) Regent Court Bray,Joe
EGH207 Writing the Real LECT Thursday 15:00 15:52 23-30, 34-37 JB-117 Seminar Room 117 (cap. 32) Jessop Building Whiteley,Sara
EGH21002 Literature and Critical Thought (a) 2_Spr SEM Wednesday 11:00 12:52 23-30, 34-37 JB-116 Seminar Room 116 (cap. 32) Jessop Building Collignon,Fabienne
EGH21002 Literature and Critical Thought (a) 1_Spr SEM Tuesday 13:00 14:52 23-30, 34-37 JB-116 Seminar Room 116 (cap. 32) Jessop Building Crowther,Sarah
EGH21002 Literature and Critical Thought (a) LECT Monday 14:00 14:52 23-26, 28-30, 34, 36-37 DIA-A02 Lecture Theatre 02 (cap. 160) Diamond McKay,Robert
EGH21002 Literature and Critical Thought (a) 3_Spr SEM Friday 11:00 12:52 23-30, 34-37 BROAD-F128 Lecture Theatre 09 (cap. 36) Broad Lane Block Regis,Amber
EGH21004 Romanticism to Modernism (a) LECT Monday 15:00 15:52 23 DIA-A08 Lecture Theatre 05 (cap. 160) Diamond Ebury,Katherine
EGH21004 Romanticism to Modernism (a) LECT Monday 15:00 15:52 24 DIA-A08 Lecture Theatre 05 (cap. 160) Diamond Ebury,Katherine
EGH21004 Romanticism to Modernism (a) LECT Monday 15:00 15:52 25 DIA-A08 Lecture Theatre 05 (cap. 160) Diamond Ebury,Katherine
EGH21004 Romanticism to Modernism (a) LECT Monday 15:00 15:52 26 DIA-A08 Lecture Theatre 05 (cap. 160) Diamond Ebury,Katherine
EGH21004 Romanticism to Modernism (a) LECT Monday 15:00 15:52 27 DIA-A08 Lecture Theatre 05 (cap. 160) Diamond Ebury,Katherine
EGH21004 Romanticism to Modernism (a) LECT Monday 15:00 15:52 28 DIA-A08 Lecture Theatre 05 (cap. 160) Diamond Ebury,Katherine
EGH21004 Romanticism to Modernism (a) LECT Monday 15:00 15:52 29 DIA-A08 Lecture Theatre 05 (cap. 160) Diamond Ebury,Katherine
EGH21004 Romanticism to Modernism (a) LECT Monday 15:00 15:52 30 DIA-A08 Lecture Theatre 05 (cap. 160) Diamond Ebury,Katherine
EGH21004 Romanticism to Modernism (a) LECT Monday 15:00 15:52 34 DIA-A08 Lecture Theatre 05 (cap. 160) Diamond Ebury,Katherine
EGH21004 Romanticism to Modernism (a) LECT Thursday 16:00 16:52 23 DIA-A11 Lecture Theatre 07 (cap. 160) Diamond Ebury,Katherine
EGH21004 Romanticism to Modernism (a) LECT Thursday 16:00 16:52 24 DIA-A11 Lecture Theatre 07 (cap. 160) Diamond Ebury,Katherine
EGH21004 Romanticism to Modernism (a) LECT Thursday 16:00 16:52 25 DIA-A11 Lecture Theatre 07 (cap. 160) Diamond Ebury,Katherine
EGH21004 Romanticism to Modernism (a) LECT Thursday 16:00 16:52 26 DIA-A11 Lecture Theatre 07 (cap. 160) Diamond Ebury,Katherine
EGH21004 Romanticism to Modernism (a) LECT Thursday 16:00 16:52 27 DIA-A11 Lecture Theatre 07 (cap. 160) Diamond Ebury,Katherine
EGH21004 Romanticism to Modernism (a) LECT Thursday 16:00 16:52 28 DIA-A11 Lecture Theatre 07 (cap. 160) Diamond Ebury,Katherine
EGH21004 Romanticism to Modernism (a) LECT Thursday 16:00 16:52 29 DIA-A11 Lecture Theatre 07 (cap. 160) Diamond Ebury,Katherine
EGH21004 Romanticism to Modernism (a) LECT Thursday 16:00 16:52 30 DIA-A11 Lecture Theatre 07 (cap. 160) Diamond Ebury,Katherine
EGH21004 Romanticism to Modernism (a) LECT Thursday 16:00 16:52 34 DIA-A11 Lecture Theatre 07 (cap. 160) Diamond Ebury,Katherine
EGH21004 Romanticism to Modernism (a) LECT Thursday 16:00 16:52 35 DIA-A11 Lecture Theatre 07 (cap. 160) Diamond Ebury,Katherine
EGH21004 Romanticism to Modernism (a) 4_Spr SEM Wednesday 11:00 11:52 23-30 HI-F30 Classroom F30 (cap. 20) Hicks Building Ebury,Katherine
EGH21004 Romanticism to Modernism (a) 4_Spr SEM Wednesday 11:00 11:52 34-37 9MS-124 Seminar Room 124 (cap. 21) 9 Mappin Street Ebury,Katherine
EGH21004 Romanticism to Modernism (a) 5_Spr SEM Thursday 14:00 14:52 23-30, 34-37 JB-G03 Ensemble Room 01 (cap. 20) Jessop Building Hirst,Sam
EGH21004 Romanticism to Modernism (a) 6_Spr SEM Thursday 15:00 15:52 23-30, 34-37 38MS-201 201 - Classroom 10 (cap. 20) 38 Mappin Street Hirst,Sam
EGH21004 Romanticism to Modernism (a) 3_Spr SEM Wednesday 10:00 10:52 23-30 HI-F41 Classroom F41 (cap. 40) Hicks Building Smith,Andrew
EGH21004 Romanticism to Modernism (a) 3_Spr SEM Wednesday 10:00 10:52 34-37 9MS-124 Seminar Room 124 (cap. 21) 9 Mappin Street Smith,Andrew
EGH21004 Romanticism to Modernism (a) 1_Spr SEM Tuesday 14:00 14:52 23-30, 34-37 9MS-G13 Seminar Room G13 (cap. 21) 9 Mappin Street Stone,Brendan
EGH21004 Romanticism to Modernism (a) 2_Spr SEM Tuesday 16:00 16:52 23-30 PC-B59b Seminar Room B59b (cap. 30) Portobello Centre Stone,Brendan
EGH21004 Romanticism to Modernism (a) 2_Spr SEM Tuesday 16:00 16:52 34-37 9MS-123 Seminar Room 123 (cap. 18) 9 Mappin Street Stone,Brendan
EGH21008 Victorian Women Poets: Stressing Sex LECT Monday 09:00 09:52 23-30, 34, 36-37 DIA-E17 309 - Classroom 01 (cap. 30) Diamond Barton,Anna
EGH21008 Victorian Women Poets: Stressing Sex 1 SEM Monday 10:00 10:52 23-30, 34, 36-37 JW-330 Seminar Room 03 (cap. 15) Jessop West Barton,Anna
EGH21008 Victorian Women Poets: Stressing Sex 2 SEM Monday 11:00 11:52 23-30, 34, 36-37 JW-330 Seminar Room 03 (cap. 15) Jessop West Barton,Anna
EGH21008 Victorian Women Poets: Stressing Sex 1 SEM Thursday 11:00 11:52 35 9MS-G04 Seminar Room G04 (cap. 23) 9 Mappin Street Barton,Anna
EGH21008 Victorian Women Poets: Stressing Sex 2 SEM Thursday 12:00 12:52 35 9MS-G04 Seminar Room G04 (cap. 23) 9 Mappin Street Barton,Anna
EGH21008 Victorian Women Poets: Stressing Sex LECT Tuesday 09:00 09:52 35 38MS-107 107 - Workroom 04 (cap. 128) 38 Mappin Street Barton,Anna
EGH212 Sociolinguistics 1 SEM Thursday 10:00 10:52 23-30, 34-37 38MS-201 201 - Classroom 10 (cap. 20) 38 Mappin Street Dziura,Nathaniel
EGH212 Sociolinguistics 2 SEM Thursday 11:00 11:52 23-30, 34-37 38MS-201 201 - Classroom 10 (cap. 20) 38 Mappin Street Dziura,Nathaniel
EGH212 Sociolinguistics 3 SEM Thursday 12:00 12:52 23-30, 34-37 38MS-201 201 - Classroom 10 (cap. 20) 38 Mappin Street Dziura,Nathaniel
EGH212 Sociolinguistics LECT Tuesday 12:00 12:52 23-30, 34-37 DIA-G04 G04 - Workroom 01 (cap. 68) Diamond Moore,Emma
EGH215 First Language Acquisition LECT Monday 16:00 16:52 23-30, 34, 36-37 DIA-G04 G04 - Workroom 01 (cap. 68) Diamond Sen,Ranjan
EGH215 First Language Acquisition LECT Thursday 09:00 09:52 35 PLB-D05 Design Studio 01 - D05 (cap. 67) Pam Liversidge Building Sen,Ranjan
EGH215 First Language Acquisition 1 SEM Thursday 12:00 12:52 23-30, 34-37 9MS-G03 Seminar Room G03 (cap. 27) 9 Mappin Street Sen,Ranjan
EGH215 First Language Acquisition 2 SEM Thursday 14:00 14:52 23-30, 34-37 9MS-G04 Seminar Room G04 (cap. 23) 9 Mappin Street Sen,Ranjan
EGH215 First Language Acquisition SKILLS Wednesday 10:00 10:52 23, 25, 27, 29, 34, 36 AT-LT02 Lecture Theatre 02 (cap. 54) Arts Tower Sen,Ranjan
EGH217 Phonology LECT Monday 10:00 10:52 23-30, 34, 36-37 JB-117 Seminar Room 117 (cap. 32) Jessop Building Sen,Ranjan
EGH217 Phonology 1 SEM Tuesday 13:00 13:52 23-30, 34-37 PLB-D07 Design Studio 01 - D07 (cap. 24) Pam Liversidge Building Sen,Ranjan
EGH217 Phonology 2 SEM Tuesday 14:00 14:52 23-30, 34-37 PLB-D07 Design Studio 01 - D07 (cap. 24) Pam Liversidge Building Sen,Ranjan
EGH217 Phonology LECT Wednesday 10:00 10:52 35 BROAD-F128 Lecture Theatre 09 (cap. 36) Broad Lane Block Sen,Ranjan
EGH217 Phonology SKILLS Wednesday 11:00 11:52 23, 25, 27, 29, 34, 36 9MS-G12 Seminar Room G12 (cap. 24) 9 Mappin Street Sen,Ranjan
EGH229 Creative Writing: Poetry, Experimentation, De/Construction SEM Tuesday 16:00 17:52 23-30 38MS-G03 G03 - Classroom 03 (cap. 20) 38 Mappin Street Lehoczky,Agnes
EGH229 Creative Writing: Poetry, Experimentation, De/Construction SEM Tuesday 16:00 17:52 34-37 9MS-122 Seminar Room 122 (cap. 24) 9 Mappin Street Lehoczky,Agnes
EGH230 Representing the Holocaust SEM Thursday 13:00 13:52 23-30, 34-37 JB-116 Seminar Room 116 (cap. 32) Jessop Building Levick,Carmen
EGH230 Representing the Holocaust LECT Tuesday 15:00 15:52 23-30, 34-37 DIA-E17 309 - Classroom 01 (cap. 30) Diamond Levick,Carmen
EGH232 Road Journeys in American Culture: 1930-2000 1 SEM Thursday 10:00 10:52 23-30, 34-37 38MS-G03 G03 - Classroom 03 (cap. 20) 38 Mappin Street Ellis,Jonathan
EGH232 Road Journeys in American Culture: 1930-2000 2 SEM Thursday 12:00 12:52 23-30, 34-37 9MS-G12 Seminar Room G12 (cap. 24) 9 Mappin Street Ellis,Jonathan
EGH232 Road Journeys in American Culture: 1930-2000 LECT Wednesday 10:00 10:52 23-30, 34-37 JB-215 Seminar Room 215 (cap. 32) Jessop Building Ellis,Jonathan
EGH238 Radical Theory SEM Thursday 11:00 12:52 23-30, 34-37 DIA-E17 309 - Classroom 01 (cap. 30) Diamond Miller,John
EGH240 Advanced Syntax LECT Monday 12:00 12:52 23-30, 34, 36-37 JB-116 Seminar Room 116 (cap. 32) Jessop Building Orfitelli,Robyn
EGH240 Advanced Syntax 1 SEM Tuesday 11:00 11:52 23-26, 29-30, 34, 37 9MS-G03 Seminar Room G03 (cap. 27) 9 Mappin Street Orfitelli,Robyn
EGH240 Advanced Syntax 1 SEM Tuesday 11:00 11:52 27-28 PC-B57c Seminar Room B57c (cap. 30) Portobello Centre Orfitelli,Robyn
EGH240 Advanced Syntax 1 SEM Tuesday 11:00 11:52 35-36 RC-2040_A Pemberton Lecture Theatre A (cap. 36) Regent Court Orfitelli,Robyn
EGH240 Advanced Syntax 2 SEM Tuesday 15:00 15:52 23-30 38MS-G03 G03 - Classroom 03 (cap. 20) 38 Mappin Street Orfitelli,Robyn
EGH240 Advanced Syntax 2 SEM Tuesday 15:00 15:52 34-37 9MS-123 Seminar Room 123 (cap. 18) 9 Mappin Street Orfitelli,Robyn
EGH240 Advanced Syntax SKILLS Tuesday 16:00 16:52 24, 26, 28, 30, 35, 37 HI-H10 Lecture Theatre 10 (cap. 50) Hicks Building Orfitelli,Robyn
EGH243 Historical Linguistics LECT Monday 15:00 15:52 23-30, 34, 36-37 BROAD-F142 Lecture Theatre 12 (cap. 60) Broad Lane Block Williams,Graham
EGH243 Historical Linguistics 1 SEM Tuesday 09:00 09:52 23-30, 34-37 JW-330 Seminar Room 03 (cap. 15) Jessop West Williams,Graham
EGH243 Historical Linguistics 2 SEM Tuesday 10:00 10:52 23-30 JW-330 Seminar Room 03 (cap. 15) Jessop West Williams,Graham
EGH243 Historical Linguistics 2 SEM Tuesday 10:00 10:52 34-37 9MS-124 Seminar Room 124 (cap. 21) 9 Mappin Street Williams,Graham
EGH243 Historical Linguistics SKILLS Wednesday 11:00 11:52 24, 26, 28, 30, 35, 37 DIA-E17 309 - Classroom 01 (cap. 30) Diamond Williams,Graham
EGH302 Dissertation LECT Tuesday 14:00 14:52 23-30, 34-37 RC-2040_A Pemberton Lecture Theatre A (cap. 36) Regent Court Hodson,Jane
EGH304 Conversation Analysis LECT Wednesday 09:00 10:52 23-30, 34-36 JB-116 Seminar Room 116 (cap. 32) Jessop Building Walker,Gareth
EGH31004 Language attitudes, perceptions and regard SEM Thursday 15:00 16:52 23-30, 34-37 JW-G03 Seminar Room G03 (cap. 24) Jessop West Montgomery,Chris
EGH31007 The Beginning of the End of the World LECT Monday 16:00 16:52 23-30, 34, 36-37 BROAD-E116 Lecture Theatre 04 (cap. 82) Broad Lane Block Warren,Meredith
EGH31007 The Beginning of the End of the World 1 SEM Tuesday 10:00 10:52 23-30 DIA-E17 309 - Classroom 01 (cap. 30) Diamond Warren,Meredith
EGH31007 The Beginning of the End of the World 1 SEM Tuesday 10:00 10:52 34-37 9MS-123 Seminar Room 123 (cap. 18) 9 Mappin Street Warren,Meredith
EGH31007 The Beginning of the End of the World 2 SEM Tuesday 12:00 12:52 23-30, 34-37 RC-2040_A Pemberton Lecture Theatre A (cap. 36) Regent Court Warren,Meredith
EGH31008 The Invention of Romanticism LECT Tuesday 11:00 11:52 23-30, 34-37 DIA-G04 G04 - Workroom 01 (cap. 68) Diamond Barton,Anna
EGH31008 The Invention of Romanticism 1_Spr SEM Friday 11:00 11:52 23-30 38MS-G09 G09 - Classroom 06 (cap. 20) 38 Mappin Street Mathison,Hamish
EGH31008 The Invention of Romanticism 1_Spr SEM Friday 11:00 11:52 34 DIA-D08 Lecture Theatre 09 (cap. 82) Diamond Mathison,Hamish
EGH31008 The Invention of Romanticism 1_Spr SEM Friday 11:00 11:52 36-37 9MS-124 Seminar Room 124 (cap. 21) 9 Mappin Street Mathison,Hamish
EGH31008 The Invention of Romanticism 2_Spr SEM Friday 12:00 12:52 23-30 38MS-G09 G09 - Classroom 06 (cap. 20) 38 Mappin Street Mathison,Hamish
EGH31008 The Invention of Romanticism 2_Spr SEM Friday 12:00 12:52 34 DIA-D08 Lecture Theatre 09 (cap. 82) Diamond Mathison,Hamish
EGH31008 The Invention of Romanticism 2_Spr SEM Friday 12:00 12:52 36-37 9MS-124 Seminar Room 124 (cap. 21) 9 Mappin Street Mathison,Hamish
EGH31008 The Invention of Romanticism SEM Friday 09:00 13:00 35 DIA-D08 Lecture Theatre 09 (cap. 82) Diamond Mathison,Hamish
EGH31009 Renaissance Literature, Modern Crisis SEM Monday 14:00 15:52 23-30, 34, 36-37 JB-116 Seminar Room 116 (cap. 32) Jessop Building Reynolds,Anna
EGH31010 Research Topics in Theatre and Film LECT Monday 10:00 10:52 23-30, 34, 36-37 JB-116 Seminar Room 116 (cap. 32) Jessop Building Rayner,Jonathan
EGH31010 Research Topics in Theatre and Film WORKSHOP Wednesday 09:00 10:30 23-30, 34-37 BA-EG03 Seminar Room EG03 (cap. 48) Bartolome House Rayner,Jonathan
EGH31012 Mod Cons: Exploring the Long 20th Century 2_Spr SEM Friday 11:00 12:30 23-30, 34-37 38MS-G03 G03 - Classroom 03 (cap. 20) 38 Mappin Street Ellis,Jonathan
EGH31012 Mod Cons: Exploring the Long 20th Century 1_Spr SEM Thursday 09:00 10:30 23-30, 34-37 JW-330 Seminar Room 03 (cap. 15) Jessop West Piette,Adam
EGH31012 Mod Cons: Exploring the Long 20th Century LECT Wednesday 12:00 12:52 23-30, 34-37 AT-LT01 Lecture Theatre 01 (cap. 48) Arts Tower Piette,Adam
EGH31013 Radical Theory SEM Thursday 11:00 12:52 23-30, 34-37 DIA-E17 309 - Classroom 01 (cap. 30) Diamond Miller,John
EGH31018 The Idea of America LECT Tuesday 10:00 10:52 23-30, 34-37 JB-117 Seminar Room 117 (cap. 32) Jessop Building van Duyvenbode,Rachel
EGH31018 The Idea of America 1 SEM Tuesday 14:00 14:52 23-30, 34-37 38MS-G03 G03 - Classroom 03 (cap. 20) 38 Mappin Street van Duyvenbode,Rachel
EGH31018 The Idea of America 2 SEM Tuesday 15:00 15:52 23-30, 34-37 9MS-G13 Seminar Room G13 (cap. 21) 9 Mappin Street van Duyvenbode,Rachel
EGH317 Researching Readers LECT Monday 13:00 13:52 23-30, 34, 36-37 JB-117 Seminar Room 117 (cap. 32) Jessop Building Whiteley,Sara
EGH317 Researching Readers SEM Thursday 13:00 13:52 23-30, 34-37 9MS-G12 Seminar Room G12 (cap. 24) 9 Mappin Street Whiteley,Sara
EGH328 Experiments in Interactive Digital Narrative WORKSHOP Friday 09:00 10:52 23 PC-B51 Seminar Room B51 (cap. 30) Portobello Centre Steadman-Jones,Richard
EGH328 Experiments in Interactive Digital Narrative LECT Monday 11:00 11:52 23-30, 34, 36-37 HB-E61 Computer Room E61 (cap. 36) Hadfield Building Steadman-Jones,Richard
EGH328 Experiments in Interactive Digital Narrative 2 SEM Thursday 09:00 09:52 23-30, 34-37 9MS-G13 Seminar Room G13 (cap. 21) 9 Mappin Street Steadman-Jones,Richard
EGH328 Experiments in Interactive Digital Narrative 1 SEM Tuesday 13:00 13:52 23-30, 34-37 38MS-201 201 - Classroom 10 (cap. 20) 38 Mappin Street Steadman-Jones,Richard
EGH332 Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages TEST Thursday 11:00 12:52 21 GB-B08 Seminar Room B08 (cap. 60) Geography Building González-Fernández,Beatriz
EGH337 Advanced Phonetics LECT Thursday 11:00 12:52 23-30, 34-36 PC-C28 Computer Room C28 (cap. 40) Portobello Centre Walker,Gareth
EGH341 Advanced Syntax LECT Monday 12:00 12:52 23-30, 34, 36-37 JB-116 Seminar Room 116 (cap. 32) Jessop Building Orfitelli,Robyn
EGH341 Advanced Syntax 1 SEM Tuesday 11:00 11:52 23-26, 29-30, 34, 37 9MS-G03 Seminar Room G03 (cap. 27) 9 Mappin Street Orfitelli,Robyn
EGH341 Advanced Syntax 1 SEM Tuesday 11:00 11:52 27-28 PC-B57c Seminar Room B57c (cap. 30) Portobello Centre Orfitelli,Robyn
EGH341 Advanced Syntax 1 SEM Tuesday 11:00 11:52 35-36 RC-2040_A Pemberton Lecture Theatre A (cap. 36) Regent Court Orfitelli,Robyn
EGH341 Advanced Syntax 2 SEM Tuesday 15:00 15:52 23-30 38MS-G03 G03 - Classroom 03 (cap. 20) 38 Mappin Street Orfitelli,Robyn
EGH341 Advanced Syntax 2 SEM Tuesday 15:00 15:52 34-37 9MS-123 Seminar Room 123 (cap. 18) 9 Mappin Street Orfitelli,Robyn
EGH341 Advanced Syntax SKILLS Tuesday 16:00 16:52 24, 26, 28, 30, 35, 37 HI-H10 Lecture Theatre 10 (cap. 50) Hicks Building Orfitelli,Robyn
EGH353 Creative Writing Poetry Experiments: (De)Constructing Paper Selves SEM Thursday 15:00 16:30 23-30, 34-37 38MS-101 101 - Classroom 07 (cap. 20) 38 Mappin Street Lehoczky,Agnes
EGH362 Historical Linguistics LECT Monday 15:00 15:52 23-30, 34, 36-37 BROAD-F142 Lecture Theatre 12 (cap. 60) Broad Lane Block Williams,Graham
EGH362 Historical Linguistics 1 SEM Tuesday 09:00 09:52 23-30, 34-37 JW-330 Seminar Room 03 (cap. 15) Jessop West Williams,Graham
EGH362 Historical Linguistics 2 SEM Tuesday 10:00 10:52 23-30 JW-330 Seminar Room 03 (cap. 15) Jessop West Williams,Graham
EGH362 Historical Linguistics 2 SEM Tuesday 10:00 10:52 34-37 9MS-124 Seminar Room 124 (cap. 21) 9 Mappin Street Williams,Graham
EGH362 Historical Linguistics SKILLS Wednesday 11:00 11:52 24, 26, 28, 30, 35, 37 DIA-E17 309 - Classroom 01 (cap. 30) Diamond Williams,Graham
EGH369 Reading Animals SEM Tuesday 15:00 16:52 23-30, 34-37 BROAD-F128 Lecture Theatre 09 (cap. 36) Broad Lane Block Miller,John
EGH370 Privilege and Subversion in Early Modern Drama, 1580-1700 2 SEM Friday 14:00 14:52 23-30, 34-37 9MS-G13 Seminar Room G13 (cap. 21) 9 Mappin Street Nevitt,Marcus
EGH370 Privilege and Subversion in Early Modern Drama, 1580-1700 LECT Thursday 14:00 14:52 23-30, 34-37 JB-116 Seminar Room 116 (cap. 32) Jessop Building Nevitt,Marcus
EGH370 Privilege and Subversion in Early Modern Drama, 1580-1700 1 SEM Thursday 15:00 15:52 23-30, 34-37 9MS-G04 Seminar Room G04 (cap. 23) 9 Mappin Street Nevitt,Marcus
EGH405 Teaching Practice 2 SEM Thursday 15:00 16:52 23-30, 34-37 DIA-205 205 - Workroom 3 (cap. 80) Diamond Northall,Nicholas
EGH405 Teaching Practice 2 LECT Wednesday 11:00 11:52 23-30, 34-37 DIA-D08 Lecture Theatre 09 (cap. 82) Diamond Northall,Nicholas
EGH407 Teaching Reading and Writing SEM Monday 15:00 16:52 23-30, 34, 36-37 DIA-G05 G05 - Workroom 02 (cap. 80) Diamond Melia-Leigh,Beth
EGH409 Practitioner Research and Development LECT Monday 14:00 14:52 23-30, 34, 36-37 HI-F20 Classroom F20 (cap. 40) Hicks Building Northall,Nicholas
EGH409 Practitioner Research and Development SEM Tuesday 11:00 12:52 23-30, 34-37 9MS-G14 Seminar Room G14 (cap. 48) 9 Mappin Street Northall,Nicholas
EGH411 Research Dissertation Practice SEM Monday 11:00 12:52 23-30, 34, 36-37 DIA-205 205 - Workroom 3 (cap. 80) Diamond Montgomery,Chris
EGH415 Advances in TESOL SEM Tuesday 15:00 16:52 23-30, 34-37 JB-117 Seminar Room 117 (cap. 32) Jessop Building Hobbs,Valerie
EGH418 Language and interaction SEM Monday 09:00 10:52 23-30, 34, 36 JB-G03 Ensemble Room 01 (cap. 20) Jessop Building Montgomery,Chris
EGH422 Style in Literature and Discourse - Approaches to Research SEM Friday 13:00 14:52 24 JB-215 Seminar Room 215 (cap. 32) Jessop Building Steadman-Jones,Richard
EGH422 Style in Literature and Discourse - Approaches to Research SEM Thursday 11:00 12:52 23, 25-30, 34-35 JB-117 Seminar Room 117 (cap. 32) Jessop Building Steadman-Jones,Richard
EGH429 Materials and Course Design SEM Wednesday 09:00 10:52 23-30, 34-37 DIA-G05 G05 - Workroom 02 (cap. 80) Diamond Harwood,Nigel
EGH441 Creative Writing: Prose, Ekphrasis, Experiment, Ritual Writing - Prose Transformations SEM Thursday 15:00 16:52 23-30, 34-37 JW-202 Seminar Room 02 (cap. 15) Jessop West Fisher,Clare
EGH443 Creative Writing: Poetry, Prose, Hybrid - Writing, New Writing, Rewriting, Not Writing SEM Wednesday 16:00 17:52 23-30, 34-37 JW-330 Seminar Room 03 (cap. 15) Jessop West Lehoczky,Agnes
EGH447 Post-1945 British Drama, Film and Television SEM Thursday 09:00 10:30 23-30, 34-37 38MS-G08 G08 - Classroom 05 (cap. 20) 38 Mappin Street Rayner,Jonathan
EGH448 Confession SEM Thursday 13:00 14:30 23-30, 34-37 PC-B51a Seminar Room B51a (cap. 16) Portobello Centre Regis,Amber
EGH449 Memory and Trauma in Contemporary Literature SEM Tuesday 13:00 14:30 23-30, 34-37 PC-B51a Seminar Room B51a (cap. 16) Portobello Centre Levick,Carmen
EGH453 Mid-Century Modernism SEM Monday 13:00 14:30 23-30, 34, 36-37 JW-330 Seminar Room 03 (cap. 15) Jessop West Rayner,Jonathan
EGH461 Core Skills in Postgraduate Study OPTEVENT Monday 11:00 11:52 24, 26, 28, 30, 37 HB-E07 James White Lecture Theatre 21 (cap. 72) Hadfield Building  
EGH461 Core Skills in Postgraduate Study LECT Monday 11:00 11:52 23, 25, 27, 29, 34, 36 HB-E07 James White Lecture Theatre 21 (cap. 72) Hadfield Building Rutter,Tom
EGH6025 Literature and Language in the Workplace SEM Monday 13:00 13:52 20 RC-2040_A Pemberton Lecture Theatre A (cap. 36) Regent Court Ellis,Jonathan
EGH6025 Literature and Language in the Workplace SEM Wednesday 14:00 14:52 24, 26 RC-2040_A Pemberton Lecture Theatre A (cap. 36) Regent Court Ellis,Jonathan
EGH622 Murderers and Degenerates: Contextualising the fin de siècle Gothic SEM Tuesday 15:00 16:30 23-30, 34-37 JW-339 Seminar Room 08 (cap. 24) Jessop West Smith,Andrew
EGH623 Work Placement with Research Project SEM Monday 13:00 13:52 20 RC-2040_A Pemberton Lecture Theatre A (cap. 36) Regent Court Ellis,Jonathan
EGH623 Work Placement with Research Project SEM Wednesday 14:00 14:52 24, 26 RC-2040_A Pemberton Lecture Theatre A (cap. 36) Regent Court Ellis,Jonathan
EGH632 Essential Research Training: Plagiarism, Copyright, Archival Research LECT Wednesday 15:00 15:52 26-27 DIA-D08 Lecture Theatre 09 (cap. 82) Diamond Grigsby,Kate
EGH632 Essential Research Training: Plagiarism, Copyright, Archival Research LECT Wednesday 15:00 15:52 28 WBL_WS4 Wolfson Suite (Floor 4) Western Bank Library Grigsby,Kate

Directory of Modules for this department (Calendar Supplement II)


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