This timetable is linked directly to the University on-line room bookings system. For technical reasons some events may not currently be displayed, for example events taking place in departmentally owned rooms.

Semester 1 = Weeks 1-12
Semester 2 = Weeks 20-27, 31-34

Please note these are the 'standard University weeks' for most undergraduate teaching. Please check with your Department if your Programme has an alternative start date.

Please follow the link from the week numbers to see the dates for each week of the academic year.

  • Additionally, many tutorials, seminars and practicals offer a choice of sessions. Please contact the department to confirm these options.

Unit Code Unit Title Group Activity Day Start Time End Time University Weeks Room No (Where Known) Room Name (Where Known) Location (Where Known) Lecturer/Staff Contact
SMI102 Economy, Society and Public Policy (ESPP) 1 SEM Tuesday 09:00 09:52 23-30, 34-37 WAVE-SR11 Seminar room 11 (cap. 30) The Wave Bralsford,Karen
SMI102 Economy, Society and Public Policy (ESPP) LECT Monday 13:00 14:52 23-24, 27, 30, 37 WAVE-SR05 Seminar room 05 (cap. 60) The Wave Dickerson,Andrew
SMI102 Economy, Society and Public Policy (ESPP) LECT Monday 13:00 14:52 25-26, 28-29, 34, 36 HI-H05 Lecture Theatre 09 (cap. 47) Hicks Building Dickerson,Andrew
SMI102 Economy, Society and Public Policy (ESPP) 2 SEM Tuesday 10:00 10:52 23-30, 34-37 WAVE-SR11 Seminar room 11 (cap. 30) The Wave Dickerson,Andrew
SMI102 Economy, Society and Public Policy (ESPP) LECT Friday 13:00 14:52 35 WAVE-PC1 Computer room 01 (cap. 80) The Wave Swain,Kerry
SMI110 Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics LECT Monday 15:00 16:52 23-24, 29-30, 34, 36 WAVE-SR05 Seminar room 05 (cap. 60) The Wave Huebner,Christine
SMI110 Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics LECT Monday 15:00 16:52 25-28 DIA_208 Computer Room 02 (cap. 70) Diamond Huebner,Christine
SMI11002 The Foundations of Social Science SEM Friday 09:00 10:52 23-24, 26-30, 34-36 WAVE-WR1 Workroom 01 (cap. 120) The Wave Garratt,Elisabeth
SMI11002 The Foundations of Social Science LECT Tuesday 09:00 10:52 23-30, 34-36 WAVE-SR01 Seminar room 01 (cap. 60) The Wave Garratt,Elisabeth
SMI11002 The Foundations of Social Science WORKSHOP Friday 13:00 14:52 23 DIA-421 421 Large Edit Suite (19) Diamond Nichols,Kitty
SMI11003 Principles in Politics, Philosophy & Economics (PPE) LECT Tuesday 13:00 14:52 28-30, 34-37 WAVE-WR2 Workroom 02 (cap. 120) The Wave Barrow,Daniel
SMI11003 Principles in Politics, Philosophy & Economics (PPE) SEM Thursday 10:00 10:52 28-31, 34-36 WAVE-PC1 Computer room 01 (cap. 80) The Wave Whiteley,Ella
SMI204 Placement LECT Friday 15:00 16:22 23-24 WAVE-SR01 Seminar room 01 (cap. 60) The Wave Nichols,Kitty
SMI204 Placement LECT Friday 15:00 16:22 30 WAVE-SR13 Seminar room 13 (cap. 10) The Wave Nichols,Kitty
SMI204 Placement LECT Friday 15:00 16:22 35 WAVE-SR05 Seminar room 05 (cap. 60) The Wave Nichols,Kitty
SMI21003 Case Studies in Politics, Philosophy and Economics (PPE) SEM Thursday 14:00 16:52 23-30, 34-36 AT-LT07 Lecture Theatre 07 (cap. 44) Arts Tower Huebner,Christine
SMI21003 Case Studies in Politics, Philosophy and Economics (PPE) LECT Tuesday 10:00 10:52 23, 25, 27, 30, 35 BA-DB07 Seminar Room DB07 (cap. 42) Bartolome House Huebner,Christine
SMI212 Doing Qualitative Research LECT Tuesday 13:00 14:52 36 HH-HR Heritage Room (cap. 30) Medical School Bralsford,Karen
SMI212 Doing Qualitative Research SEM Thursday 11:00 11:52 23-29, 34-36 WAVE-PC1 Computer room 01 (cap. 80) The Wave Tazzyman,Abigail
SMI212 Doing Qualitative Research LECT Tuesday 13:00 14:52 23, 25, 27, 29, 34 WAVE-WR1 Workroom 01 (cap. 120) The Wave Tazzyman,Abigail
SMI212 Doing Qualitative Research LECT Tuesday 13:00 14:52 24 WAVE-WR2 Workroom 02 (cap. 120) The Wave Tazzyman,Abigail
SMI212 Doing Qualitative Research LECT Tuesday 13:00 14:52 26 HH-C14 Seminar Room 09 (cap. 32) Medical School Tazzyman,Abigail
SMI212 Doing Qualitative Research LECT Tuesday 13:00 14:52 28 DS-B31 Seminar Room 02 (cap. 30) Dental School Tazzyman,Abigail
SMI212 Doing Qualitative Research LECT Tuesday 13:00 14:52 35 HI-F20 Classroom F20 (cap. 40) Hicks Building Tazzyman,Abigail
SMI302 Advanced Research Project in Quantitative Social Science WORKSHOP Monday 09:00 11:00 23-30, 34-36 WAVE-PC1 Computer room 01 (cap. 80) The Wave Nichols,Kitty
SMI303 Research Dissemination in Social Sciences LECT Thursday 09:00 10:52 23, 25, 27, 29-30, 34 DIA-A11 Lecture Theatre 07 (cap. 160) Diamond Bralsford,Karen
SMI31010 Dissertation in Politics, Philosophy and Economics WORKSHOP Monday 09:00 11:00 23-30, 34-36 WAVE-PC1 Computer room 01 (cap. 80) The Wave Nichols,Kitty
SMI314 Dissertation in Applied Social Sciences WORKSHOP Monday 09:00 11:00 23-30, 34-36 WAVE-PC1 Computer room 01 (cap. 80) The Wave Nichols,Kitty
SMI601 Advanced Quantitative Methods for Social Research LECT Tuesday 10:00 12:52 23-30, 34-35 IC-302 Computer Room 3.02 (cap. 32) Information Commons Bell,Andrew
SMI603 Independent Research Project by Dissertation LECT Tuesday 09:00 17:00 43 WAVE-SR15 Seminar room 15 (cap. 24) The Wave Barrow,Daniel
SMI603 Independent Research Project by Dissertation LECT Tuesday 15:00 16:52 35 WAVE-WR2 Workroom 02 (cap. 120) The Wave White,Lauren
SMI603 Independent Research Project by Dissertation LECT Tuesday 15:00 16:52 39 WAVE-SR05 Seminar room 05 (cap. 60) The Wave White,Lauren
SMI604 Independent Research Project by Proposal LECT Tuesday 09:00 17:00 43 WAVE-SR15 Seminar room 15 (cap. 24) The Wave Barrow,Daniel
SMI604 Independent Research Project by Proposal LECT Tuesday 15:00 16:52 35 WAVE-WR2 Workroom 02 (cap. 120) The Wave White,Lauren
SMI604 Independent Research Project by Proposal LECT Tuesday 15:00 16:52 39 WAVE-SR05 Seminar room 05 (cap. 60) The Wave White,Lauren
SMI609 Advanced Qualitative Methods LECT Thursday 15:00 16:52 23-28, 34-35 DIA-E18 308 - Classroom 02 (cap. 24) Diamond Mason,William
SMI609 Advanced Qualitative Methods LECT Thursday 15:00 16:52 29 DIA-E18 308 - Classroom 02 (cap. 24) Diamond Mason,William
SMI609 Advanced Qualitative Methods LECT Thursday 15:00 16:52 30 DIA-E18 308 - Classroom 02 (cap. 24) Diamond Mason,William
SMI61001 Research Project by Proposal LECT Monday 10:00 10:52 23 WAVE-SR11 Seminar room 11 (cap. 30) The Wave Bell,Andrew
SMI611 Research Project LECT Monday 10:00 10:52 23 WAVE-SR11 Seminar room 11 (cap. 30) The Wave Bell,Andrew
SMI613 Working Beyond Disciplines LECT Monday 11:00 12:52 29 WAVE-SR15 Seminar room 15 (cap. 24) The Wave Bralsford,Karen
SMI613 Working Beyond Disciplines LECT Monday 11:00 12:52 23, 25 WAVE-SR11 Seminar room 11 (cap. 30) The Wave White,Lauren
SMI613 Working Beyond Disciplines LECT Monday 11:00 12:52 24 WAVE-SR15 Seminar room 15 (cap. 24) The Wave White,Lauren
SMI613 Working Beyond Disciplines LECT Monday 11:00 12:52 28 WAVE-SR05 Seminar room 05 (cap. 60) The Wave White,Lauren
SMI613 Working Beyond Disciplines LECT Monday 11:00 13:52 26 DIA-421 421 Large Edit Suite (19) Diamond White,Lauren
SMI622 Principles of Research Design II LECT Thursday 11:00 12:52 23-30, 34-35 WAVE-SR02 Seminar room 02 (cap. 28) The Wave Garratt,Elisabeth
SMI622 Principles of Research Design II LECT Thursday 11:00 12:52 36 WAVE-SR02 Seminar room 02 (cap. 28) The Wave Swain,Kerry
SMI623 Doctoral Training in Social Research LECT Thursday 13:00 14:52 23, 25, 27, 29, 34 WAVE-SR08 Seminar room 08 (cap. 10) The Wave Bralsford,Karen

Directory of Modules for this department (Calendar Supplement II)


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