This timetable is linked directly to the University on-line room bookings system. For technical reasons some events may not currently be displayed, for example events taking place in departmentally owned rooms.

Semester 1 = Weeks 1-12
Semester 2 = Weeks 20-27, 31-34

Please note these are the 'standard University weeks' for most undergraduate teaching. Please check with your Department if your Programme has an alternative start date.

Please follow the link from the week numbers to see the dates for each week of the academic year.

  • Additionally, many tutorials, seminars and practicals offer a choice of sessions. Please contact the department to confirm these options.

Unit Code Unit Title Group Activity Day Start Time End Time University Weeks Room No (Where Known) Room Name (Where Known) Location (Where Known) Lecturer/Staff Contact
TRP105 Climate Action LECT Wednesday 09:00 10:52 30, 35-36 WAVE-WR3 Workroom 03 (cap. 100) The Wave Cox,Savannah
TRP105 Climate Action LECT Wednesday 09:00 10:52 37 GGMTS Google Meets Online Cox,Savannah
TRP105 Climate Action LECT Wednesday 09:00 10:52 34 WAVE-WR3 Workroom 03 (cap. 100) The Wave Sharp,Liz
TRP107 Urban Economics DROPIN Thursday 10:00 10:52 35, 37 GB-B08 Seminar Room B08 (cap. 60) Geography Building Lo,Chien-Ling
TRP107 Urban Economics LECT Thursday 09:00 10:52 30, 34 AT-LT09 Lecture Theatre 09 (cap. 112) Arts Tower Lo,Chien-Ling
TRP107 Urban Economics LECT Thursday 09:00 10:52 36 HI-D17 Computer room D17 (cap. 82) Hicks Building Lo,Chien-Ling
TRP111 Cities and Inequality LECT Friday 11:00 12:52 35-36 WAVE-WR1 Workroom 01 (cap. 120) The Wave Atkinson,Rowland
TRP111 Cities and Inequality LECT Friday 11:00 12:52 34 WAVE-WR1 Workroom 01 (cap. 120) The Wave Casagrande,Olivia
TRP111 Cities and Inequality LECT Friday 11:00 12:52 30 WAVE-WR1 Workroom 01 (cap. 120) The Wave Rozena,Sharda
TRP114 Cities, space and urban design DROPIN Tuesday 13:00 14:52 35-36 GB-D09 Teaching Room 1 (50) Geography Building Martin,Michael
TRP114 Cities, space and urban design WORKSHOP Tuesday 13:00 14:52 30, 34 GB-D09 Teaching Room 1 (50) Geography Building Martin,Michael
TRP133 Development, Planning and the State 133-1 SEM Thursday 15:00 15:52 30 GB-D09 Teaching Room 1 (50) Geography Building Beaumont,James
TRP133 Development, Planning and the State 133-5 SEM Friday 10:00 10:52 30 BA-BG03 Seminar Room BG03 (cap. 20) Bartolome House Inch,Andy
TRP133 Development, Planning and the State LECT Thursday 11:00 12:52 30 HI-B17 Lecture Theatre A (cap. 100) Hicks Building Inch,Andy
TRP133 Development, Planning and the State LECT Thursday 11:00 12:52 34 DIA_207 (Bring Your Own Device) Computer Room 03 (cap. 156) Diamond Inch,Andy
TRP133 Development, Planning and the State 133-2 SEM Thursday 16:00 16:52 30 GB-D09 Teaching Room 1 (50) Geography Building Inch,Andy
TRP133 Development, Planning and the State 133-3 SEM Thursday 15:00 15:52 30 BA-BLG06 Seminar Room BLG06 (cap. 24) Bartolome House Inch,Andy
TRP133 Development, Planning and the State 133-4 SEM Thursday 16:00 16:52 30 BA-BLG06 Seminar Room BLG06 (cap. 24) Bartolome House Inch,Andy
TRP133 Development, Planning and the State ACADLIT Thursday 14:00 14:52 30, 34-37 AT-LT03 Lecture Theatre 03 (cap. 112) Arts Tower Matuszczyk,Pawel
TRP133 Development, Planning and the State LECT Thursday 11:00 12:52 35 DIA_207 (Bring Your Own Device) Computer Room 03 (cap. 156) Diamond Slade,Jason
TRP133 Development, Planning and the State LECT Thursday 11:00 12:52 36 DIA_207 (Bring Your Own Device) Computer Room 03 (cap. 156) Diamond Slade,Jason
TRP133 Development, Planning and the State LECT Thursday 11:00 12:52 37 HI-B17 Lecture Theatre A (cap. 100) Hicks Building Slade,Jason
TRP215 Researching the City: Applied Skills for Practice SITE Friday 09:00 16:52 30 FIELD Field trip Off-Campus Atkinson,Rowland
TRP215 Researching the City: Applied Skills for Practice SITE Saturday 09:00 16:52 30 FIELD Field trip Off-Campus Atkinson,Rowland
TRP215 Researching the City: Applied Skills for Practice SITE Sunday 09:00 12:22 30 FIELD Field trip Off-Campus Atkinson,Rowland
TRP215 Researching the City: Applied Skills for Practice SITE Thursday 09:00 16:52 30 FIELD Field trip Off-Campus Atkinson,Rowland
TRP215 Researching the City: Applied Skills for Practice SITE Tuesday 09:00 16:52 30 FIELD Field trip Off-Campus Atkinson,Rowland
TRP215 Researching the City: Applied Skills for Practice SITE Wednesday 09:00 16:52 30 FIELD Field trip Off-Campus Atkinson,Rowland
TRP215 Researching the City: Applied Skills for Practice SITE Monday 09:00 16:52 30 FIELD Field trip Off-Campus Lu,Ally Yueh-E
TRP215 Researching the City: Applied Skills for Practice LECT Tuesday 09:00 10:52 34 AT-LT03 Lecture Theatre 03 (cap. 112) Arts Tower Lu,Ally Yueh-E
TRP215 Researching the City: Applied Skills for Practice LECT Tuesday 09:00 10:52 35 AT-LT03 Lecture Theatre 03 (cap. 112) Arts Tower Lu,Ally Yueh-E
TRP215 Researching the City: Applied Skills for Practice DROPIN Monday 11:00 11:52 36-37 BBOARD Blackboard Delivery Online Macdonald,Jacob
TRP223 Cities, Violence and Security LECT Wednesday 11:00 12:52 35 AT-LT05 Lecture Theatre 05 (cap. 78) Arts Tower  
TRP223 Cities, Violence and Security 223-1 SEM Friday 16:00 16:52 35 GB-D09 Teaching Room 1 (50) Geography Building Atkinson,Rowland
TRP223 Cities, Violence and Security 223-2 SEM Friday 14:00 14:52 35 GB-D09 Teaching Room 1 (50) Geography Building Atkinson,Rowland
TRP223 Cities, Violence and Security 223-3 SEM Friday 15:00 15:52 35 GB-D09 Teaching Room 1 (50) Geography Building Atkinson,Rowland
TRP223 Cities, Violence and Security LECT Wednesday 11:00 12:52 34 AT-LT05 Lecture Theatre 05 (cap. 78) Arts Tower Atkinson,Rowland
TRP223 Cities, Violence and Security LECT Wednesday 11:00 12:52 36-37 AT-LT05 Lecture Theatre 05 (cap. 78) Arts Tower Atkinson,Rowland
TRP224 City makers DROPIN Thursday 09:00 10:52 34 HI-B17 Lecture Theatre A (cap. 100) Hicks Building Sharp,Liz
TRP224 City makers 224-2 PRES Thursday 09:00 10:52 37 RRB-B79 Seminar Room B79 (cap. 44) Richard Roberts Building Sharp,Liz
TRP224 City makers 224-1 PRES Tuesday 11:00 12:52 37 RRB-B79 Seminar Room B79 (cap. 44) Richard Roberts Building Sharp,Liz
TRP224 City makers 224-2 SEM Thursday 09:00 10:52 35 RRB-B79 Seminar Room B79 (cap. 44) Richard Roberts Building Tarazona Vento,Amparo
TRP224 City makers LECT Tuesday 11:00 12:52 34 AT-LT05 Lecture Theatre 05 (cap. 78) Arts Tower Tarazona Vento,Amparo
TRP224 City makers 224-1 SEM Tuesday 11:00 12:52 35 RRB-B79 Seminar Room B79 (cap. 44) Richard Roberts Building Tarazona Vento,Amparo
TRP225 Planning, Viability and Development COMPU Thursday 13:00 14:52 36-37 ADB-A04 Perak Computer Room A04 (cap. 90) Alfred Denny Building Lo,Chien-Ling
TRP225 Planning, Viability and Development LECT Thursday 13:00 14:52 35 HI-E55 Lecture Theatre E (cap. 92) Hicks Building Lo,Chien-Ling
TRP225 Planning, Viability and Development DROPIN Friday 11:00 11:52 34-37     Geography Building Payne,Sarah
TRP225 Planning, Viability and Development COMPU Thursday 13:00 14:52 34 ADB-A04 Perak Computer Room A04 (cap. 90) Alfred Denny Building Payne,Sarah
TRP225 Planning, Viability and Development ACADLIT Thursday 16:00 16:52 34-37 AT-LT05 Lecture Theatre 05 (cap. 78) Arts Tower Radnor,Tim
TRP226 Cities, space and urban design DROPIN Tuesday 13:00 14:52 35-36 GB-D05a Urban Design Room Geography Building Syed Mohamed,Bobby Nisha
TRP226 Cities, space and urban design WORKSHOP Tuesday 13:00 14:52 30, 34 GB-D05a Urban Design Room Geography Building Syed Mohamed,Bobby Nisha
TRP335 Housing and Urban Inequalities WORKSHOP Friday 11:00 12:52 30 38MS-G11 G11 - Workroom 02 (cap. 128) 38 Mappin Street Preece,Jennifer
TRP335 Housing and Urban Inequalities WORKSHOP Friday 11:00 12:52 34 PC-C29 John Carr Design Suite C29 (cap. 120) Portobello Centre Preece,Jennifer
TRP335 Housing and Urban Inequalities WORKSHOP Friday 11:00 12:52 35 WAVE-WR3 Workroom 03 (cap. 100) The Wave Preece,Jennifer
TRP337 Dissertation ELTC2 ACADLIT Friday 09:00 10:52 30 GB-D07B Teaching Room 2 (25) Geography Building Anderson,Robert
TRP342 Planning Law LECT Monday 15:00 16:52 34 HI-B17 Lecture Theatre A (cap. 100) Hicks Building Slade,Jason
TRP342 Planning Law LECT Monday 15:00 16:52 30 HI-B17 Lecture Theatre A (cap. 100) Hicks Building While,Aidan
TRP342 Planning Law LECT Monday 15:00 16:52 36 HI-B17 Lecture Theatre A (cap. 100) Hicks Building While,Aidan
TRP342 Planning Law LECT Thursday 11:00 12:52 35 HI-D10 Lecture Theatre 03 (cap. 104) Hicks Building While,Aidan
TRP455 Health, Wellbeing and the City DROPIN Thursday 15:00 16:52 35 GB-D09 Teaching Room 1 (50) Geography Building Crookes,Lee
TRP455 Health, Wellbeing and the City LECT Thursday 15:00 16:52 34 AT-LT03 Lecture Theatre 03 (cap. 112) Arts Tower Crookes,Lee
TRP455 Health, Wellbeing and the City WORKSHOP Thursday 15:00 16:52 30 WAVE-WR2 Workroom 02 (cap. 120) The Wave Crookes,Lee
TRP457 Advanced Spatial Analysis EXAM Friday 10:00 11:22 38 ADB-A04 Perak Computer Room A04 (cap. 90) Alfred Denny Building Hamilton,Ruth
TRP457 Advanced Spatial Analysis WORKSHOP Tuesday 14:00 16:52 30, 36 HI-G39A Computer Room G39A (cap. 30) Hicks Building Hamilton,Ruth
TRP457 Advanced Spatial Analysis WORKSHOP Tuesday 14:00 16:52 34-35 HI-G39A Computer Room G39A (cap. 30) Hicks Building Hamilton,Ruth
TRP468 Critical Perspectives in Planning LECT Wednesday 10:00 12:52 34 GB-C03 Ron Johnston Research Room (cap. 54) Geography Building Slade,Jason
TRP468 Critical Perspectives in Planning LECT Wednesday 10:00 12:52 37 GB-D09 Teaching Room 1 (50) Geography Building Slade,Jason
TRP468 Critical Perspectives in Planning LECT Wednesday 10:00 12:52 30 GB-C03 Ron Johnston Research Room (cap. 54) Geography Building While,Aidan
TRP468 Critical Perspectives in Planning LECT Wednesday 10:00 12:52 35 GB-C03 Ron Johnston Research Room (cap. 54) Geography Building While,Aidan
TRP470 Urban Informality SEM Thursday 11:00 11:52 34 GB-D09 Teaching Room 1 (50) Geography Building Horn,Philipp
TRP470 Urban Informality DROPIN Tuesday 11:00 12:52 35 AT-LT08 Lecture Theatre 08 (cap. 54) Arts Tower Horn,Philipp
TRP470 Urban Informality PRES Tuesday 11:00 12:52 34 AT-LT08 Lecture Theatre 08 (cap. 54) Arts Tower Horn,Philipp
TRP470 Urban Informality LECT Tuesday 11:00 12:52 30 AT-LT08 Lecture Theatre 08 (cap. 54) Arts Tower Lombard,Melanie
TRP471 PropTech and Real Estate Innovations DROPIN Thursday 09:00 10:52 36 BBOARD Blackboard Delivery Online Oladiran,Olayiwola
TRP471 PropTech and Real Estate Innovations LECT Thursday 09:00 10:52 30, 34 HI-F41 Classroom F41 (cap. 40) Hicks Building Oladiran,Olayiwola
TRP471 PropTech and Real Estate Innovations LECT Thursday 09:00 10:52 37 BA-BB15a Seminar Room BB15a (cap. 40) Bartolome House Oladiran,Olayiwola
TRP479 Spatial Data Science for Social Sciences WORKSHOP Wednesday 14:00 16:52 30, 35 IC-302 Computer Room 3.02 (cap. 32) Information Commons Hamilton,Ruth
TRP479 Spatial Data Science for Social Sciences WORKSHOP Wednesday 14:00 16:52 34 IC-302 Computer Room 3.02 (cap. 32) Information Commons Hamilton,Ruth
TRP479 Spatial Data Science for Social Sciences LECT Wednesday 14:00 16:52 36 IC-302 Computer Room 3.02 (cap. 32) Information Commons Macdonald,Jacob
TRP482 PropTech and Real Estate Innovations (PGT) DROPIN Thursday 09:00 10:52 36 BBOARD Blackboard Delivery Online Oladiran,Olayiwola
TRP482 PropTech and Real Estate Innovations (PGT) LECT Thursday 09:00 10:52 30, 34 HI-F41 Classroom F41 (cap. 40) Hicks Building Oladiran,Olayiwola
TRP482 PropTech and Real Estate Innovations (PGT) LECT Thursday 09:00 10:52 37 BA-BB15a Seminar Room BB15a (cap. 40) Bartolome House Oladiran,Olayiwola
TRP483 Geospatial Dissertation LECT Wednesday 11:00 12:52 34 BA-EG03 Seminar Room EG03 (cap. 48) Bartolome House Hincks,Stephen
TRP483 Geospatial Dissertation LECT Wednesday 11:00 12:52 36 BA-DB09 Seminar Room DB09 (cap. 24) Bartolome House Hincks,Stephen
TRP483 Geospatial Dissertation ACADLIT Wednesday 10:00 10:52 34, 36 BA-BB06 Seminar Room BB06 (cap. 24) Bartolome House Matuszczyk,Pawel
TRP483 Geospatial Dissertation ACADLIT Monday 11:00 11:52 30 DB-C19 Lecture Theatre 01 (cap. 240) Dainton Building Whitehead,Rosie
TRP486 Masterplanning Studio WORKSHOP Wednesday 13:00 15:52 30, 34, 37 GB-D05a Urban Design Room Geography Building Martin,Michael
TRP486 Masterplanning Studio WORKSHOP Monday 09:00 11:52 36 GB-D05a Urban Design Room Geography Building Syed Mohamed,Bobby Nisha
TRP486 Masterplanning Studio WORKSHOP Wednesday 13:00 15:52 35 GB-D05a Urban Design Room Geography Building Syed Mohamed,Bobby Nisha
TRP487 Planning and the Development Process 487-1 COMPU Friday 13:00 14:52 34-35 HI-D17 Computer room D17 (cap. 82) Hicks Building Lo,Chien-Ling
TRP487 Planning and the Development Process 487-2 COMPU Friday 13:00 14:52 34-35 HI-D17 Computer room D17 (cap. 82) Hicks Building Lo,Chien-Ling
TRP487 Planning and the Development Process 487-3 COMPU Friday 09:00 10:52 34-35 GB-B04 Computer Room B04 (cap. 50) Geography Building Lo,Chien-Ling
TRP487 Planning and the Development Process 487-4 COMPU Friday 09:00 10:52 34-35 GB-B04 Computer Room B04 (cap. 50) Geography Building Lo,Chien-Ling
TRP487 Planning and the Development Process 487-1 QANDA Friday 13:00 13:52 30 ADB-A04 Perak Computer Room A04 (cap. 90) Alfred Denny Building Lo,Chien-Ling
TRP487 Planning and the Development Process 487-2 QANDA Friday 13:00 13:52 30 ADB-A04 Perak Computer Room A04 (cap. 90) Alfred Denny Building Lo,Chien-Ling
TRP487 Planning and the Development Process 487-3 QANDA Friday 14:00 14:52 30 ADB-A04 Perak Computer Room A04 (cap. 90) Alfred Denny Building Lo,Chien-Ling
TRP487 Planning and the Development Process 487-4 QANDA Friday 14:00 14:52 30 ADB-A04 Perak Computer Room A04 (cap. 90) Alfred Denny Building Lo,Chien-Ling
TRP487 Planning and the Development Process LECT Friday 13:00 14:52 37 HI-B08 Lecture Theatre 02 (cap. 129) Hicks Building Payne,Sarah
TRP487 Planning and the Development Process 487-1 QANDA Friday 13:00 13:52 36 ADB-A04 Perak Computer Room A04 (cap. 90) Alfred Denny Building Payne,Sarah
TRP487 Planning and the Development Process 487-2 QANDA Friday 13:00 13:52 36 ADB-A04 Perak Computer Room A04 (cap. 90) Alfred Denny Building Payne,Sarah
TRP487 Planning and the Development Process 487-3 QANDA Friday 14:00 14:52 36 ADB-A04 Perak Computer Room A04 (cap. 90) Alfred Denny Building Payne,Sarah
TRP487 Planning and the Development Process 487-4 QANDA Friday 14:00 14:52 36 ADB-A04 Perak Computer Room A04 (cap. 90) Alfred Denny Building Payne,Sarah
TRP488 Plan Making LECT Wednesday 14:00 16:52 34 38MS-G11 G11 - Workroom 02 (cap. 128) 38 Mappin Street Cox,Savannah
TRP488 Plan Making LECT Wednesday 14:00 16:52 30, 35 38MS-G11 G11 - Workroom 02 (cap. 128) 38 Mappin Street Tait,Malcolm
TRP489 Urban Design: Principles and Processes LECT Wednesday 11:00 12:52 34 AT-LT03 Lecture Theatre 03 (cap. 112) Arts Tower Lu,Ally Yueh-E
TRP489 Urban Design: Principles and Processes 489-1 SEM Monday 13:00 14:52 30 GB-D09 Teaching Room 1 (50) Geography Building Tarazona Vento,Amparo
TRP489 Urban Design: Principles and Processes 489-2 SEM Monday 09:00 10:52 30 GB-D09 Teaching Room 1 (50) Geography Building Tarazona Vento,Amparo
TRP489 Urban Design: Principles and Processes DROPIN Wednesday 11:00 12:52 35 HI-H10 Lecture Theatre 10 (cap. 50) Hicks Building Tarazona Vento,Amparo
TRP494 Urban Heritage and Conservation LECT Thursday 13:00 14:52 35 HI-H10 Lecture Theatre 10 (cap. 50) Hicks Building Lu,Ally Yueh-E
TRP494 Urban Heritage and Conservation PRES Thursday 13:00 14:52 34 GB-D09 Teaching Room 1 (50) Geography Building Lu,Ally Yueh-E
TRP494 Urban Heritage and Conservation LECT Thursday 13:00 14:52 30 HI-H10 Lecture Theatre 10 (cap. 50) Hicks Building Warwick,Tosh
TRP61003 The Urban Climate Emergency (PGT) LECT Monday 13:00 14:52 30, 34, 36-37 GB-B08 Seminar Room B08 (cap. 60) Geography Building Cox,Savannah
TRP61003 The Urban Climate Emergency (PGT) LECT Tuesday 09:00 10:52 35 HI-E55 Lecture Theatre E (cap. 92) Hicks Building Cox,Savannah
TRP61004 The Urban Climate Emergency (UG MPlan) LECT Monday 13:00 14:52 30, 34, 36-37 GB-B08 Seminar Room B08 (cap. 60) Geography Building Cox,Savannah
TRP61004 The Urban Climate Emergency (UG MPlan) LECT Tuesday 09:00 10:52 35 HI-E55 Lecture Theatre E (cap. 92) Hicks Building Cox,Savannah
TRP621 Advanced Spatial Analysis EXAM Friday 10:00 11:22 38 ADB-A04 Perak Computer Room A04 (cap. 90) Alfred Denny Building Hamilton,Ruth
TRP621 Advanced Spatial Analysis WORKSHOP Tuesday 14:00 16:52 30, 36 HI-G39A Computer Room G39A (cap. 30) Hicks Building Hamilton,Ruth
TRP621 Advanced Spatial Analysis WORKSHOP Tuesday 14:00 16:52 34-35 HI-G39A Computer Room G39A (cap. 30) Hicks Building Hamilton,Ruth
TRP6211 Issues in Housing LECT Thursday 11:00 12:52 30 HI-H20 Lecture Theatre 11 (cap. 30) Hicks Building Preece,Jennifer
TRP622 The GIS Project GRPWRK Friday 14:00 16:52 35-36 FC-B56 Computer Room B56 (cap. 38) Firth Court Wang,Jingxia
TRP627 GIS for Built Environment Professionals COMPU Friday 09:00 11:52 30, 34-36 BA-ALG04 Computer Room ALG04 (cap. 40) Bartolome House Wang,Jingxia
TRP628 Urban Informality SEM Thursday 11:00 11:52 34 GB-D09 Teaching Room 1 (50) Geography Building Horn,Philipp
TRP628 Urban Informality DROPIN Tuesday 11:00 12:52 35 AT-LT08 Lecture Theatre 08 (cap. 54) Arts Tower Horn,Philipp
TRP628 Urban Informality PRES Tuesday 11:00 12:52 34 AT-LT08 Lecture Theatre 08 (cap. 54) Arts Tower Horn,Philipp
TRP628 Urban Informality LECT Tuesday 11:00 12:52 30 AT-LT08 Lecture Theatre 08 (cap. 54) Arts Tower Lombard,Melanie
TRP6306 Planning Law LECT Monday 15:00 16:52 34 HI-B17 Lecture Theatre A (cap. 100) Hicks Building Slade,Jason
TRP6306 Planning Law LECT Monday 15:00 16:52 30 HI-B17 Lecture Theatre A (cap. 100) Hicks Building While,Aidan
TRP6306 Planning Law LECT Monday 15:00 16:52 36 HI-B17 Lecture Theatre A (cap. 100) Hicks Building While,Aidan
TRP6306 Planning Law LECT Thursday 11:00 12:52 35 HI-D10 Lecture Theatre 03 (cap. 104) Hicks Building While,Aidan
TRP638 Doctoral Training in Urban Studies and Planning ACADLIT Thursday 12:00 13:22 30, 35, 37 GB-D07B Teaching Room 2 (25) Geography Building Newcombe,Lynne
TRP6406 Dissertation URP ACADLIT Monday 11:00 11:52 34, 36 AT-LT09 Lecture Theatre 09 (cap. 112) Arts Tower Pade,Ingita
TRP6406 Dissertation RE ACADLIT Wednesday 16:00 16:52 34, 36 GB-B08 Seminar Room B08 (cap. 60) Geography Building Valiou,Evdokia
TRP6406 Dissertation ACADLIT Monday 11:00 11:52 30 DB-C19 Lecture Theatre 01 (cap. 240) Dainton Building Whitehead,Rosie
TRP6406 Dissertation UDP ACADLIT Wednesday 11:00 11:52 34, 36 DIA-A02 Lecture Theatre 02 (cap. 160) Diamond Whitehead,Rosie
TRP6416 Investment Valuation TUT Monday 10:00 10:52 30 BA-ALG04 Computer Room ALG04 (cap. 40) Bartolome House Jackson,Catherine
TRP6416 Investment Valuation COMPU Tuesday 11:00 12:52 30 BA-ALG04 Computer Room ALG04 (cap. 40) Bartolome House Jackson,Catherine
TRP6417 Real Estate Planning and Development Project COMPU Wednesday 14:00 15:52 34-35 HI-G25 Computer Room G25 (cap. 39) Hicks Building Lo,Chien-Ling
TRP6417 Real Estate Planning and Development Project LECT Wednesday 14:00 15:52 36 RRB-A85 Seminar Room A85 (cap. 27) Richard Roberts Building Lo,Chien-Ling
TRP6417 Real Estate Planning and Development Project COMPU Wednesday 14:00 15:52 30 HI-G25 Computer Room G25 (cap. 39) Hicks Building Payne,Sarah
TRP6417 Real Estate Planning and Development Project DROPIN Wednesday 12:00 12:52 35-37     Geography Building Payne,Sarah
TRP6417 Real Estate Planning and Development Project LECT Wednesday 14:00 15:52 37 RRB-A85 Seminar Room A85 (cap. 27) Richard Roberts Building Payne,Sarah
TRP6421 Law of Business Leases LECT Tuesday 15:00 16:52 30, 34-35 GB-C03 Ron Johnston Research Room (cap. 54) Geography Building Jackson,Catherine
TRP6424 Design Dissertation ACADLIT Monday 11:00 11:52 30 DB-C19 Lecture Theatre 01 (cap. 240) Dainton Building Whitehead,Rosie
TRP6424 Design Dissertation ACADLIT Wednesday 11:00 11:52 34, 36 DIA-A02 Lecture Theatre 02 (cap. 160) Diamond Whitehead,Rosie
TRP655 Health, Wellbeing and the City DROPIN Thursday 15:00 16:52 35 GB-D09 Teaching Room 1 (50) Geography Building Crookes,Lee
TRP655 Health, Wellbeing and the City LECT Thursday 15:00 16:52 34 AT-LT03 Lecture Theatre 03 (cap. 112) Arts Tower Crookes,Lee
TRP655 Health, Wellbeing and the City WORKSHOP Thursday 15:00 16:52 30 WAVE-WR2 Workroom 02 (cap. 120) The Wave Crookes,Lee

Directory of Modules for this department (Calendar Supplement II)


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