Directory of Modules

Module/Unit Calendar Type Credits
GPL101 Urban Economics Spring Semester 10
GPL103 Climate Action Spring Semester 10
GPL104 Contemporary urban challenges Autumn Semester 10
GPL105 Cities, space and urban design Spring Semester 10
GPL106 Cities, Places and People Autumn Semester 10
GPL107 Global Biogeochemical Cycles Autumn Semester 10
GPL108 Sustainability in Practice Spring Semester 10
GPL109 Geographical Skills, Methods and Techniques Academic year 40
GPL110 Knowledges, Power and Interdisciplinarity Academic year 30
GPL111 Why Geography Matters Academic year 20
GPL112 Cities and Inequality Spring Semester 10
GPL113 Housing and Home Autumn Semester 10
GPL114 Information and Communication Skills Autumn Semester 10
GPL116 The Making of Urban Places Autumn Semester 20
GPL117 Exploring Human Geographies Academic year 20
GPL118 Earth, Wind, Ice and Fire Academic year 20
GPL119 Analysing Global Challenges Academic year 20
GPL120 Understanding Inequalities: Policy Responses From Local to Global Academic year 20
GPL121 Development, Planning and the State Spring Semester 20
GPL122 Living with Environmental Change Academic year 20
GPL123 Climate, Environment and Sustainability Academic year 20
GPL124 Global Development: History and key debates Academic year 20
GPL125 Geographical Skills for Environmental Science Academic year 30
GPL203 Analysing Geographical and Environmental Data Autumn Semester 10
GPL205 Research, Skills and Ethics for Global Sustainable Development Academic year 30
GPL206 Researching the City: Applied Skills for Practice Spring Semester 20
GPL207 Urban Design and Place-Making Autumn Semester 20
GPL208 Who Gets What? Social Justice and the Environment Spring Semester 20
GPL209 Unlocking Past Environmental Changes Spring Semester 20
GPL210 Culture, Space and Difference Autumn Semester 20
GPL211 Analysing Voice, Image and Text Autumn Semester 10
GPL212 Geographical Information Systems and Earth Observation Autumn Semester 10
GPL213 Global Challenges: Live Policy Analysis Spring Semester 10
GPL214 Physical Geography Fieldclass Spring Semester 10
GPL215 Human Geography Fieldclass Spring Semester 10
GPL216 Urban Analytics Autumn Semester 20
GPL217 Urban Theory Autumn Semester 20
GPL218 Cities, Violence and Security Spring Semester 20
GPL219 Planning, Viability and Development Spring Semester 20
GPL220 Sustainable Development and Global Justice Autumn Semester 20
GPL221 Urban Culture and Conflict: The Making of Modern Cities Spring Semester 20
GPL222 Environmental Science Fieldclass Spring Semester 10
GPL224 City makers Spring Semester 20
GPL225 Environmental Pollution and Quality Autumn Semester 20
GPL226 Territory, Power and Policy Spring Semester 20
GPL227 Understanding the Climate System Autumn Semester 20
GPL228 Understanding Dynamic Landscapes Autumn Semester 20
GPL229 Interventions: goals, policy and advocacy Spring Semester 20
GPL230 Glacial Processes and Hazards Spring Semester 20
GPL301 Global Sustainable Development on the Ground Autumn Semester 20
GPL303 Dissertation Academic year 40
GPL304 Dissertation for Geography and Environmental Science Academic year 40
GPL305 Dissertation for Global Sustainable Development Academic year 40
GPL306 Coastal Systems: Processes and Management Spring Semester 20
GPL307 Urban Exploration Spring Semester 20
GPL308 Applied Volcanology Spring Semester 20
GPL309 Our Melting Planet Spring Semester 20
GPL310 Contemporary Geographical Research (L3) Spring Semester 20
GPL311 The Changing Climate System Spring Semester 20
GPL312 Environmental Justice at a Time of Crisis Autumn Semester 20
GPL313 Housing and Urban Inequalities Spring Semester 20
GPL314 Plan making and development Autumn Semester 20
GPL315 Sustainable Cities Autumn Semester 20
GPL316 Planning Law Spring Semester 20
GPL317 Decolonising Geographies Spring Semester 20
GPL318 Lake District Fieldclass Autumn Semester 20
GPL319 Creative Geographies: Media, Imaginaries and Politics Spring Semester 20
GPL320 Geoscientific Data Analysis using MATLAB Autumn Semester 20
GPL321 Professional practice for global sustainable development Spring Semester 20
GPL322 Future Cities Autumn Semester 20
GPL323 Advanced Geospatial Analysis Autumn Semester 20
GPL324 Professional Skills for Environmental Science Spring Semester 20
GPL325 Challenging Development Spring Semester 20
GPL326 The Planets Autumn Semester 20
GPL327 Democracy and Citizenship: Dilemmas and Tensions Autumn Semester 20
GPL328 Employing Geography Skills in Sustainability and Social Justice Autumn Semester 20
GPL402 Employability and Professional Skills Academic year 0
GPL403 Critical Perspectives in Planning Academic year 30
GPL404 Design Dissertation Academic year 60
GPL405 Dissertation Academic year 60
GPL406 Participatory Planning Autumn Semester 30
GPL407 Planning in Europe Spring Semester 60
GPL408 Geospatial Dissertation Academic year 60
GPL409 Planning Place and Design Studio Autumn Semester 30
GPL410 Research Foundations without Placement Graduate Year 60
GPL411 Research Foundations with Placement Graduate Year 60
GPL412 Ideas and Practice in International Development Graduate Year 30
GPL413 Research Project Academic year 75
GPL414 Environmental Applications of GIS Spring Semester 15
GPL416 Perspectives on Spatial Planning and Development Autumn Semester 15
GPL417 Urban Informality Spring Semester 15
GPL419 Spatial Planning Systems Autumn Semester 15
GPL420 Globalising Cities Autumn Semester 15
GPL421 Urban Regeneration (PGT) Spring Semester 15
GPL422 Planning Practice and Professional Ethics Autumn Semester 15
GPL423 Immersive and Inclusive Urban Design Spring Semester 15
GPL424 Professional Skills for Development Autumn Semester 15
GPL425 The Science of Environmental Change Autumn Semester 15
GPL427 The Urban Climate Emergency (PGT) Spring Semester 15
GPL428 Citizen Participation in Planning and Development Spring Semester 15
GPL429 PropTech and Real Estate Innovations Spring Semester 15
GPL430 Values, Theory and Ethics Autumn Semester 15
GPL431 Commercial Real Estate Practice Autumn Semester 15
GPL432 PropTech and Real Estate Innovations (PGT) Spring Semester 15
GPL433 Quantitative Analysis Autumn Semester 15
GPL434 Masterplanning Studio Spring Semester 15
GPL435 Planning and the Development Process Spring Semester 15
GPL436 Current Issues in Geography and Environmental Science Autumn Semester 15
GPL437 Current Issues in Polar and Alpine Science Autumn Semester 15
GPL438 International Development Fieldclass Spring Semester 15
GPL439 Research Design in Physical Geography and Environmental Science Autumn Semester 15
GPL440 Foundations of GIS Autumn Semester 15
GPL441 Contemporary Geographical Research (L4) Spring Semester 15
GPL443 Advanced Spatial Analysis Spring Semester 15
GPL444 Innovation in Real Estate Spring Semester 15
GPL445 Applied Real Estate Valuation Autumn Semester 15
GPL446 GIS for Built Environment Professionals Spring Semester 15
GPL447 Land, Development and Ethics Autumn Semester 15
GPL448 Health, Wellbeing and the City Spring Semester 15
GPL449 Real Estate Investment Autumn Semester 15
GPL450 Investment Valuation Spring Semester 15
GPL451 Issues in Housing Spring Semester 15
GPL452 Property Law Spring Semester 15
GPL453 GIS and Geovisualisation Autumn Semester 15
GPL454 Planning Law Spring Semester 15
GPL455 Real Estate Planning and Development Project Spring Semester 15
GPL456 Real Estate Economics Autumn Semester 15
GPL457 The GIS Project Spring Semester 15
GPL458 Urban Development in the Global South Autumn Semester 15
GPL459 Values in Planning Autumn Semester 15
GPL460 Critical Perspectives in Planning (outgoing Exchange only) Autumn Semester 15
GPL461 Real Estate Research Project Trimester year 60
GPL462 Spatial Data Science for Social Sciences Spring Semester 15
GPL463 GIScience: principles and applications Autumn Semester 15
GPL465 Plan Making Autumn Semester 15
GPL466 Urban Design: Principles and Processes Spring Semester 15
GPL467 Urban Heritage and Conservation Spring Semester 15
GPL468 Polar and Alpine Change Field Course Spring Semester 15
GPL469 Managing Climate Change Spring Semester 15
GPL470 Research Design in Analysis of Environmental Systems Autumn Semester 15
GPL471 Environment, Society and Development: Key Issues, Debates and Concepts Spring Semester 15
GPL472 Theory and Debates in Food Security and Food Justice Autumn Semester 15
GPL474 Polar and Alpine Change Research Project Graduate Year 135
GPL601 Doctoral Training in Geography and Planning Graduate Year 0

Teaching timetable


Western Bank, Sheffield, S10 2TN, UK