Directory of Modules

Module/Unit Calendar Type Credits
PHY009 Foundations of Physics Academic year 30
PHY010 Elements of Physics Academic year 20
PHY1002 Fields and Quanta Spring Semester 25
PHY104 Introduction to Astrophysics Spring Semester 10
PHY106 The Solar System Spring Semester 10
PHY11006 Fundamentals of Physics Academic year 50
PHY123 The Physics of Sustainable Energy Spring Semester 10
PHY127 Observing the Night Sky Academic year 10
PHY128 Classical and Quantum Optics Spring Semester 10
PHY130 Further Mathematics for Physicists and Astronomers Spring Semester 10
PHY21003 Detection of Fundamental Particles Spring Semester 10
PHY21005 Classical and Quantum Physics Academic year 70
PHY21006 Classical and Quantum Physics for Theoretical Physics Academic year 70
PHY21007 Computational Physics Spring Semester 10
PHY216 Galaxies Spring Semester 10
PHY242 Astronomical Spectroscopy Spring Semester 10
PHY248 Physics with Labview Spring Semester 10
PHY300 Study Abroad Academic year 120
PHY303 Nuclear Physics Spring Semester 10
PHY306 Introduction to Cosmology Spring Semester 10
PHY31001 Physical Computing Spring Semester 10
PHY31002 Research project in Physics or Astronomy Academic year 20
PHY31003 Astrobiology Spring Semester 10
PHY313 Mathematical Physics Spring Semester 10
PHY319 La Palma Field Trip Spring Semester 10
PHY328 Advanced Programming in Python Spring Semester 10
PHY339 Statistical Physics Spring Semester 10
PHY346 Industrial Group Project in Physics Academic year 20
PHY378 Physics in an Enterprise Culture Spring Semester 10
PHY381 Advanced Electrodynamics Spring Semester 10
PHY382 Semiconductor Physics and Technology Spring Semester 10
PHY384 Problem Solving in Physics Academic year 10
PHY385 Problem Solving and Professional Skills in Physics and Astronomy Academic year 10
PHY386 Origin of the Chemical Elements Spring Semester 10
PHY391 Quantum Information Laboratory Academic year 20
PHY394 Physics Education and Outreach Academic year 20
PHY409 Physics in an Enterprise Culture Spring Semester 15
PHY413 Further Statistical Physics Spring Semester 15
PHY416 Astrobiology Spring Semester 15
PHY419 Advanced Particle Physics Spring Semester 15
PHY423 Advanced Electrodynamics Spring Semester 15
PHY424 Semiconductor Physics and Technology Spring Semester 15
PHY430 Observational Astronomy with field trip Graduate Year 15
PHY438 Galaxy Formation and Evolution Spring Semester 15
PHY442 Origin of the Chemical Elements Spring Semester 15
PHY443 Introduction to Cosmology Spring Semester 15
PHY446 Quantum Optics and Quantum Computing Spring Semester 15
PHY6005 Innovation in Solar Energy Spring Semester 15
PHY6011 Solar Cell Laboratory Spring Semester 15
PHY6480 Research Project in Physics Academic year 90
PHY901 Industrial Experience Academic year 0

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